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Mitt Romney Tag

Only John Sununu, Sr. could make me like Chris Matthews. Sununu was George H.W. Bush's Chief of Staff.  He holds a bitter grudge against Newt because Newt opposed Bush breaking his no new taxes pledge, and he convinced Bush to nominate David Souter. Sununu will be the guy whispering in Romney's...

This video is sure to result in great mockery, as Romney says that a couple of times in his life he feared getting a pink slip. But remember, fearing a pink slip a couple of times is a couple of times more than Barack Obama ever feared...

The Romney campaign expects to have the nomination all but wrapped up by the end of January The Washington Post reports, and is using surrogates like John McCain to push the narrative that if Romney wins the first three (or four) states, it's over.  One of...

It's so frustrating, the failure of conservative media and Republican campaigns to vet Mitt Romney's Bain days. Instead of hiring cartoonists to turn Newt into Marvin the Martian, National Review should have been digging deep into the public filings, court filings, and the financial history of...

Remember when one Republican candidate viciously attacking the leading Republican candidate was patriotic? Like in Iowa, when everyone from Charles Krauthammer on down blamed Newt's past for the several millions dollars in negative attack ads run by a pro-Romney SuperPAC?  When National Review devoted almost an entire issue to...

No one could have seen this coming. Romney Tax Returns Become a Problem Mitt Romney, a multimillionaire who is by far the wealthiest of the Republican presidential candidates, said he has no plans to release his income tax returns if he wins his party’s nomination, setting himself...

John McCain is set to endorse Mitt Romney today, and I'm sure there will be plenty of platitudes. But the McCain endorsement comes with baggage, like this: “Never get into a wrestling match with a pig,” Senator John McCain said in New Hampshire this month after reporters...

Things have been ugly on the airwaves in Iowa, and the recipient of those ads is going to start giving some of the ugly back. It's unfortunate that it has come to this, but it fits a pattern which goes back to Iowa in the 2008...

Re-running the Kennedy campaign against Romney based on Bain deals was predictable and predicted, but this does seem a bit early: The Democratic National Committee has set up a war room in Iowa with its main focus on Mitt Romney, who is looking more and more...

The second Mitt Romney announced he would not release his income tax returns if he becomes nominee I predicted it would not stand because the refusal would, at a minimum, create a major distraction.  It's part of a larger problem with secrecy which will haunt Romney if...

"Why Is No One Attacking Romney?"  That's the question I have been pounding all fall, particularly in the past 6 weeks. It's also the question asked by Alex Roarty at National Journal: It's an old story this primary, where Romney has not faced the kind of...

I noted the other day Romney’s emerging secrecy problem, including the refusal to release income tax returns even if he becomes the nominee. This is a break with standard practice for nominees, and creates a no win situation in which Romney makes his income and taxes...

John Hinderaker of Power Line Blog wrote an endorsement of Mitt Romney on Tuesday.  It was about as good an endorsement as I have seen, but kept coming back to one theme, electability. I don't think we can judge electability just yet because no one really has challenged...

Mitt Romney has an emerging secrecy problem.  For someone whose primary claim to the nomination is that he has nothing to hide, he sure acts like he has something to hide. First, there was the cleansing of Massachusetts state records from his time as Governor, including the...

We keep hearing about how we should not nominate a candidate who is not disciplined and will create needless general election distractions . This certainly will be a major distraction, Romney Says He Won’t Release Tax Returns: “I doubt it,” Mr. Romney said, according to a transcript...