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Mitch McConnell Tag

Below is the video in which Mitch McConnell sets forth his proposal, and here is the WaPo analysis: McConnell’s proposal would have the effect of forcing Obama and congressional Democrats to take full responsibility for raising the debt limit, and require Democrats to vote on the...

I have praised Mitch McConnell before, when he was fighting an almost impossible battle to hold the line in the Senate on a variety of issues when the Democrats had a filibuster-proof or near filibuster-proof majority. Now McConnell may have set the narrative for 2012 on...

John J. "Jack" McConnell, Jr. was confirmed by the U.S. Senate yesterday after a struggle by Sen. Mitch McConnell and other Republican Senators to block the nomination by opposing an unexpected cloture petition filed by Harry Reid.A key group of Republican Senators, led by Lidsey...

She's "going rogue."  She's broken Mitch McConnell's "iron grip" on his caucus.  In the lame duck, she was Obama's best friend.She was permitted to keep her committee assignments and seniority when she lost the Republican primary and ran in the general election as an independent,...