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Health Care Tag

I posted on Friday about how the internet filters at the Department of Defense blocked access for internal users to Legal Insurrection.  As a reader pointed out, technically it wasn't DoD, but the Navy and Marine Corps. filters.Regardless, I should have been more concerned about...

The original compromise tax bill was a mixed bag, at best.  I understood the benefits, as well as the conservative arguments against.  At least we were arguing over the merits of the bill.Now the tax deal is becoming an insult to the Republican and independent voters who...

The Daily Caller (h/t Instapundit) has an interesting post today on the push back by Tea Party supporters against corporations -- particularly in the pharmaceutical industry -- which cooperated and cut deals with the Obama administration to help pass Obamacare.  The Washington Post had a...

If so, I apologize for this post.  I didn't mean it.  An alien took over my body for the day, and made me do it.SEIU Local 1199, which organizes health care workers, was one of the most outspoken advocates of Obamacare.  As reported by The New...

There has been so much written about the outrages by TSA agents during screenings, that I won't belabor the details.  In a nation already revolting at the ballot box against overly intrusive government, the prospect of having your junk fondled out of bureaucratic inflexibility and political correctness is feeding...

Hundreds of companies are getting waivers from Obamacare requirements, as reported by Michelle Malkin and others.The issue, Dear Friends, is not the waivers.  Or Obamacare itself.The issue, Dear Friends, is that Dear Leader decides who gets a waiver.Your rights no longer are endowed by your...

As you know, I've been a little out of pocket the past couple of days hanging out at the hospital.  Nice to see that things have remained calm in my absence.My wife had some surgery at a wonderful hospital in Boston with an equally wonderful surgeon.  I would...

The award for the "Least Likely to be True Headline" goes to William Saletan at, Pelosi's Triumph:  Democrats didn't lose the battle of 2010. They won it.But least likely does not mean wrong.How could Democrats have won the battle of 2010.  Didn't we just crush...

Who knew that the gavel carried by Nancy Pelosi on her way to the Obamacare vote actually was a boomerang?And when it came back to hit them last Tuesday, it wiped those smiles right off their faces.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Yeah, They Lied (x 10) Pelosi Surrounds Herself With...

I don't have time today to get into detail on the Michigan trial court decision upholding the Obamacare mandate under the Commerce Clause.  The decision can be boiled down to these three words:  "Inactivity is Activity."Here is the money quote from the decision (at pp....

Tom Daschle reveals that a secret deal was cut with hospital executives in the summer of 2009 for the hospitals to accepts approximately $155 billion in cuts in exchange for Dems dropping plans for a public option, which would have foisted massive cuts in reimbursements...

You can keep your coverage and doctor, if you want to.  And the check is in the mail.  And I'm good for it, don't worry.  And ...

The day after Obamacare passed, I wrote Pep Talk.  Seems pertinent today as well:Last night was bad. The law passed by the Senate and House really is that horrible.But it's the morning after, and your mourning should be over.The mainstream media and the nutroots will...

I have held off commenting on the GOP Pledge to America until I had a chance actually to read it, rather than press reports and punditry analysis.Now that I have read it, I'm in agreement with the approach, which amounts to A Thousand Points of...

Trust me, I'm not counting my chickens before they have come home to roost.  But it is enjoyable to read the distraught comments from those trying to run away from the wave.The "wave" is the most recent Gallup poll showing a 10 point generic ballot...

Mary Katherine Ham and Guy Benson have a guest post at HotAir setting forth 10 key false promises by Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats about Obamacare, ObamaCare: The sum of all fears. The post is long, but worth the read. Here are the...