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Health Care Tag

Tom Goldstein at ScotusBlog has an interim report: Based on the questions posed to Paul Clement, the lead attorney for the state challengers to the individual mandate, it appears that the mandate is in trouble.  It is not clear whether it will be struck down, but...

This morning was the first day of oral argument in the Supreme Court on challenges to Obamacare.  The audio should be available in a little while. Today was the issue of the Anti-Injunction Act, which arguably would prohibit court involvement if the mandate were viewed as...

Two years ago today Obamacare was signed into law: Mr. Obama signed the measure, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, during a festive and at times raucous ceremony in the East Room of the White House. He spoke to an audience of nearly 300, including...

The U.S. Supreme Court hears argument starting March 26 on various aspects Obamacare, front and center the mandate.  A ruling is expected by the end of June. Purity in opposing mandates is the reason to be of Rick Santorum's campaign argument:  Mitt is tainted due to Romneycare, and...

That's what David Axelrod tweeted then quickly deleted, as reported at The Atlantic: Obama strategist David Axelrod tweeted a not-quite-decipherable message Monday that included a link to a story about Mormon women being erroneously barred from some official ceremonies because they were menstruating. Then he deleted...

Sheldon Whitehouse, the luckiest investor in America, has to go. Support Barry Hinckley.  With recent news of Whitehouse's abysmal favorability rating, it's doable.  It would be the shocker of 2012, in a place they are not expecting it. Hinckley just released this web video on The Historic Ocassion of...

Of course, it takes a publication like Mother Jones to pull this stuff up, but it hasn't received a lot of attention since it was published in October. There's a curious reference to Teddy having to work in Washington in order for Massachusetts to pass Romneycare. It hasn't come up much,...

Here is a video compilation of how Democratic tallking heads justified Obamacare at the time of the vote in the House on the reconciliation bill (h/t CWLsun in Tip Line). It's the same way they will justify it in this election cycle. (Warning: Sound volume uneven) Update: This also is...

The blog Verum Serum claims to have found an audio recording showing that Newt Gingrich supported Obama's federal mandate, in a post titled Gingrich Called for ObamaCare Mandate in May 2009...

Whatever my criticisms of Rick Santorum, we owe him a debt of gratitude for this segment last night, which confirmed that Mitt Romney loves him some Romneycare: As Jeffrey Anderson writes, Romney's defense of Romneycare will be political death in the general election: Romney then replied by issuing...

I read the analysis below, and then I look at the hyperbolic rhetoric about how Mitt Romney is the most electable and Newt must be destroyed, and I just shake my head in disbelief. Via James Pethokoukis: It’s one thing when Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum say...

You've been warned before. The devil in Obamacare is not in the 2000 pages, its in the regulations to be promulgated.  For every page, expect several regulations.  It will push up the cost of health insurance and suffocate the private insurance markets as a result. When cost...

He says he will make a decision over the holidays, and Democrats in Washington desperately want him to run even though he is in a weakened position because of the Cornhusker Kickback. The NRSC has released a web ad which highlights Nelson's problem (h/t HotAir).  I...

Democratic Senator Ben Nelson from Nebraska negotiated the now infamous "Cornhusker Kickback" payoff from Obama for Nelson's vote in favor of Obamacare. The payoff was an embarrassment for the people of Nebraska, as I noted at the time.  One Nebraska family care physician wrote an open letter to...