“The West has committed the greatest self-immolation in human history”
Gad Saad: "War is coming to every corner in the West. It might take 5 days, 5 years, or 50 years but it’s coming." I would argue it's already here....
Gad Saad: "War is coming to every corner in the West. It might take 5 days, 5 years, or 50 years but it’s coming." I would argue it's already here....
“Enforcing the St. Isidore contract would create a slippery slope."...
"They say that if you don’t understand history, then you’re doomed to repeat it"...
"If you’re really wealthy, you will send your kids to private school. So who’s stuck in failing neighborhood schools? Poor kids. A lot of them minority kids."...
“[The teacher] has failed his students and must be held accountable for this misinformation”...
Your weekly report on education news....
"There are two sexes: male and female."...
"Declining enrollment does not speak well to the level of confidence in large, urban-area public school systems"...
Your weekly report on education news....
Your weekly report on education news....
“A group of bullies called Zionists wanted our land so they stole it by force and hurt many people.”...
"called employees who don't accept notions included in CRT, such as the existence of 'White privilege,' a 'poison to culture and climate,' and criticized equality in favor of equity"...
"the number of families arriving in DC with children in need of immediate supports has increased more rapidly than anticipated by DHS or the Office of Migrant Services"...
Your weekly report on education news....
But of course, they are not addressing the real questions....
"According to the meet results, Garcia won their heat race with a time of 55.59 seconds. The second-place runner finished with a time of 58.83 seconds."...
Your weekly report on education news....
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