Trump Following Through on Plan to Return American Education ‘Back to the States’
“if you do a great job, you will put yourself out of a job. Because you’re going to be sending it back to the states”...
“if you do a great job, you will put yourself out of a job. Because you’re going to be sending it back to the states”...
"The measure was, according to numerous groups which commented on it, intemperate and needlessly political"...
Equal Protection Project considering filing an amicus brief supporting the parents' right to opt their kids out of objectionable grade-school curriculum on religious grounds...
“When Black female students are repeatedly disciplined for being social, loud, or goofy in the mathematics classroom, they experience mathematical violence”...
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Your weekly report on education news....
“The standards appear to require teachers to adopt practices that could violate their constitutional rights.”...
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Earlier this year, the court signaled it would side with the teacher ...
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“There was an overwhelming feeling that we were not welcome”...
"All of the words used in the Scripps National Spelling Bee program are pulled from our official dictionary, Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary."...
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"Examples in the report include a $3,974,496 grant given to the School District of Philadelphia for a restorative justice program headed by a former Communist Party USA member"...
The two main goals of the university, teaching and research, are improved first and foremost by cultivating diversity of thought. Doing so would improve the educational experience of all students—far more than hiring instructors who “look like” some of them....
Judge holds diversity is a compelling national security interest and therefore rules that considering race in Naval Academy admissions does not violate the U.S. Constitution...
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