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In 2016, Trump narrowly lost Minnesota. In 2020, he is clearly making a play for the typically blue state. He delivered a speech there on Monday. Recent polls are showing that he definitely has a chance to win the state.

Last week, several mainstream media journalists ran with an out-of-context quote from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. At first glance, it made it look like she was saying President Trump was willing to ignore science to get kids to return to public school classrooms in the fall. To quickly recap, here's an example courtesy of CNN's Jim Acosta of what many reporters posted to their Twitter feeds shortly after the Thursday press briefing:

As we've previously documented, if it's a day ending in "y," it's also one where mainstream media reporters are going to take a Republican out of context and spread fake news stories about them because of narratives and Orange Man Bad. The most recent example of this happening was Thursday during the daily White House press briefing. The issue of whether or not public schools should fully reopen has been a hot topic of much discussion in recent days. President Trump has pushed for in-person school attendance while some governors are opting for a combination of either in-person schooling and remote/online learning, or remote instruction only.

European mainstream media were united in their condemnation of U.S. President Donald Trump's Fourth of July speech at Mount Rushmore. The coverage in the mainstream German, French, and British news outlets echoed each other, describing the speech as 'dark,' 'polarizing,' and 'divisive.'

On Tuesday, President Trump triggered Democrats and Twitter higher-ups in two tweets he posted warning about how mail-in ballots are ripe for voter fraud, suggesting Democratic efforts to make using mail-in paper ballots easier could lead to the presidential election being "rigged":

Today's update features New York's former senator and 2016's losing presidential candidate. Despite the staggering number of nursing home deaths as a result of the gubernatorial lockdown rules, Hillary Clinton praised New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's response to the coronavirus pandemic in a Memorial Day tweet.

Today's update starts with some disturbing news for residents of New York City. Like, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio has read the reports of beaches across the country, from California to Virginia, being visited by quarantine-weary citizens. Furthermore, there are stories that New York City's residents are partying like its Mardi Gras in some sections of the city.