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The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is happening on Tuesday night. Democrats are playing it cool, but there is real concern about how Biden will perform. In a format like this, Biden is on his own. There is no campaign handler who can suddenly step in and shut down the event by saying "OK, thanks so much everyone."

It's been obvious for months now that Joe Biden uses a teleprompter—and not just for speeches. He uses it during what are supposed to be unscripted interviews with reporters and when answering questions from high-profile Democrats and voters in the middle of virtual events like fundraisers and campaign-driven town halls.

A few days ago, Joe Rogan did his highly watched podcast with guest Tim Kennedy, a veteran, martial arts fighter, and TV host. At one point, Kennedy asked Rogan if he would consider using his podcast to moderate a long-form debate between President Trump and Joe Biden. Rogan had a few reasonable conditions but said he would "100 Percent do it."

Will it be like 2016 all over again? Pennsylvania is a key state and it looks like the media's constant bashing of President Donald Trump didn't harm him in the state. In fact, it seems Trump is more popular in Pennsylvania than in 2016 because the state has seen a lot of new Republican registered voters.

In the midst of the Democrat's antifa/BLM Marxist "revolution," Joe Biden is lagging behind Hillary Clinton's 2016 numbers with Florida's Hispanic voters.  Indeed, two recent polls show Trump gaining ground with Hispanic Floridians, particularly with those who fled similar revolutions in their country of origin.

The Commission on Presidential Debates announced Chris Wallace from Fox News would moderate the first debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It will take place on September 29. Wallace will finally get to interview Biden. He mentioned in July how he has been trying to get the candidate on his show, but the campaign says Biden is not available.