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Donald Trump Tag

It's finally here. We all knew this moment would arrive, it was just a matter of time. The same people who compared Trump to Hitler and called him a threat to democracy, will now tell us that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is even worse than Trump. It won't matter if DeSantis runs for president in 2024 or 2028, this will be something you'll hear repeatedly.

A new poll from Rasmussen Reports has found that most Democrats still believe the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary and that Trump only won because of interference from Russia. Any time that Trump or anyone else questions the outcome of the 2020 election, Democrats and the media call them conspiracy theorists promoting "the Big Lie."

"Mo Brooks of Alabama made a horrible mistake recently when he went 'woke' and stated, referring to the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, 'Put that behind you, put that behind you,' despite the fact that the Election was rife with fraud and irregularities."...

A new survey from the Wall Street Journal finds that half of Americans don't believe Joe Biden will seek a second term in 2024. Biden has repeatedly said he is running but Americans can see and hear him, and it's pretty clear that he is already significantly diminished by age. It's also hard to believe the Democratic party would allow him to be their nominee if his poll numbers are still this bad two years from now.