The so-called Super Committee is on the brink of failure, if it has not already failed: The congressional committee tasked with reducing the federal deficit is poised to admit defeat as soon as Monday, and its unfinished business will set up a year-end battle over emergency...
Barack Obama never put forth a debt reduction plan. Ever. All Obama did was talk in generalities about what he might be willing to consider as part of a "grand bargain," but it always was vague, the equivalent of voting present. But when Republicans put forth...
I was most interested in the discussion (starting around 3:15) about whether the debt deal was a victory: Watch the latest video at
Obama just gave a press statement. Says the leaders of both parties in both chambers have reached an agreement "that will reduce the deficit and avoid default." Deal is $1 trillion in spending cuts, but not "so abruptly that a drag on our economy." Second part of agreement...
The latest talking point on the left is that Speaker Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling by $1 trillion with a roughly equitable amount of cuts is a “temporary,” “short term,” or a “band-aid” solution and, while the bill may not even reach the...
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