debt ceiling | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Friday, Congress passed a three-month debt ceiling hike along with a multi-billion dollar package that will provide federal aid to victims of Hurricane Harvey. The bill also provides aid to those as of yet impacted by monster storm Hurricane Irma.

After failing to do anything with Obamacare, Congress has gone on recess without addressing the debt ceiling. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has warned Congress to address the debt ceiling for the past seven months and do something before recess. Mnuchin said the government needs to raise the debt ceiling before September 29 or it will run out of money to pay the bills.

The so-called Super Committee is on the brink of failure, if it has not already failed: The congressional committee tasked with reducing the federal deficit is poised to admit defeat as soon as Monday, and its unfinished business will set up a year-end battle over emergency...

Barack Obama never put forth a debt reduction plan.  Ever. All Obama did was talk in generalities about what he might be willing to consider as part of a "grand bargain," but it always was vague, the equivalent of voting present.  But when Republicans put forth...

I was most interested in the discussion (starting around 3:15) about whether the debt deal was a victory: Watch the latest video at

Obama just gave a press statement. Says the leaders of both parties in both chambers have reached an agreement "that will reduce the deficit and avoid default." Deal is $1 trillion in spending cuts, but not "so abruptly that a drag on our economy." Second part of agreement...

The latest talking point on the left is that Speaker Boehner’s plan to raise the debt ceiling by $1 trillion with a roughly equitable amount of cuts is a “temporary,” “short term,” or a “band-aid” solution and, while the bill may not even reach the...