David Cicilline | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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David Cicilline Tag

It was surprisingly easy for public sector unions to bust Providence.  Through political influence public sector unions gained a majority on the Providence Pension Board, and helped themselves to unsustainable benefits.The Providence Journal digs bag into the history of the City of Providence pension system,...

David Cicilline (D-RI), the former Mayor of Providence, left city finances in a shambles, despite assuring voters in the November congressional election that the city finances were sound.New Mayor Angel Taveras was confronted with a financial catastrophe on his hands when he took office in...

The City of Providence lives paycheck to paycheck.As reported by The Providence Journal, Providence officials warn city may not be able to pay its bills on time:Providence may not have enough cash in its bank accounts to pay its employees and vendors after late August or...

A report commissioned by the City of Providence finds that then Mayor, now Congressman, David Cicilline is responsible for the fiscal mess, which has been the subject of numerous prior posts here.  Most famously, Providence recently was forced to issue preemptive termination notices to every teacher in the Providence...

If it keeps him on the straight and narrow, good for him.http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1(The bride to be gets to meet Gov. Linc Chaffee and Congressman David Cicilline.)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I have written about PolitiFact before, includine the clear bias shown by The Providence Journal in its application of ratings during the campaign by former Democratic Mayor David Cicilline against Republican John Loughlin in my home RI-01 District. I also have noted an analysis of...

The Board of Editors of The New York Times is demanding significant cut backs in public sector union contracts, but refuses to recognize the cause of the problem, which is the entire structure of public employee unions:At a time when public school students are being...

Democrat David Cicilline was Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, for 8 years, replacing the colorful and convicted Mayor Buddy Cianci.  Cicilline was elected in November to Congress in Rhode Island's 1st Congressional District (my home district), for the open seat vacated by Patrick Kennedy.Cicilline is an openly gay Italian...

Providence, Rhode Island, where I used to work and near where I now live, is a wonderful city.  The always colorful Buddy Cianci took a down-on-its-luck former industrial blight and turned it into the crown jewel not only of Rhode Island, but of the Northeast. ...

United States Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI), regarding the termination notices sent to Providence school teachers because of budget problems:"U.S. Rep. David Cicilline said Monday that the $57-million-plus deficit facing Providence will require looking at personnel reductions, union concessions and looking at reserve funds." Now he...

The Providence, RI, School Board voted tonight to send layoff notices to every teacher in the school district, approving a plan about which I posted earlier, Providence Teachers Union Head Compares Layoff Notices To Pearl Harbor Attack. The notices are required to be sent by...

I have posted here many times about my quirky home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, particularly the union-controlled legislature, deficit-ridden municipalities, and Democratic hegemony:Rhode Island Dem Launches "Let's Scare Grandma" Tour Rhode Island Becoming A Sanctuary State Unions Rescued In Rhode IslandIn RI,...

PolitiFact, started at the St. Petersburg Times and then franchised out to other newspapers including The Providence Journal, has been the subject of critique here before, Media Bias In Action: Providence Journal Politicizes PolitiFact:In these latest examples the circumstances are virtually identical -- both candidates voted...

A new poll released in my home district (RI-01) confirms what I have been telling you for weeks, this race is winnable for Republican John Loughlin.  As reported by The Providence Journal:For much of the campaign season, Providence Mayor David N. Cicilline has raised much...

The Providence Journal, the only statewide daily newspaper in Rhode Island which dominates news coverage, has endorsed Democrat David Cicilline for Congress in the RI-01 District, running against John Loughlin.  As my readers know, this is my home district and I support Loughlin.Unfortunately, the PolitiFact feature...

The fiasco of Obama's visit to Rhode Island -- which led Frank Caprio, the Democratic candidate for Governor, to tell Obama to "shove" his endorsement -- holds tremendous potential to split the Democratic base.Obama came to Rhode Island to raise funds for the national Democratic...