Prof. Jason Kilborn’s offense was using the “n” and “b” words on an exam. Not the words themselves, but literally the letters “n” and “b” in a question about employment discrimination....
"has taken several positions within the last year that are either inimical or orthogonal to academic freedom"...
The American Association of University Professors once stood firmly against systematic academic boycotts as a violation of academic freedom, but that has changed as anti-Israel activists have captured the group....
“If faculty don’t feel comfortable fully expressing themselves in their writing or research, then the whole purpose of colleges — the pursuit and generation of knowledge — is stymied”...
"Union bosses were able to get a foothold at colleges and universities as the result of biased rulings from the NLRB under Obama and Biden, which has jeopardized not only academic freedom, but also religious freedom"...
"AAUP has repeatedly taken positions that undermine rather than support academic freedom"...
"Garber said he saw the election results as an anti-elite repudiation by the American electorate. Harvard, he said, must listen to public criticism with 'empathy and humility.'"...
"Contempt for today’s campus culture - the trigger warnings, safe spaces, microaggressions - helped swing the election"...
"The AAUP knows very well that supporters of the academic boycott take their instructions from the organisers of the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction) movement"...
"Academic freedom is fundamental to a university’s core missions of research, teaching and service"...
"the AAUP’s latest statement on the matter claims that academic boycotts are perfectly compatible with academic freedom"...
"Can the principle of academic freedom survive a series of political debates about whether to boycott universities in a series of countries?"...
"we are returning to the very roots of the Western intellectual tradition, to the very roots of the civilization that brought forward these extraordinary institutions called universities"...
"The AAUP concludes its new policy by parroting the long-discredited Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions claim that it boycotts only institutions, not individuals."...
Under the new policy, academic boycotts "can be considered legitimate tactical responses."...
"Scholars and religious leaders have sometimes disagreed about whether Islam permits images of the Prophet Muhammad."...
"Notice is not required to record classes, and we do record classes without notice in response to concerns raised by students"...
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