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Opening new post for post-results — problems with embedded tweet codes here. % Reporting – 95 Mourdock – 60 Lugar – 40 Sen. John Kerry: Sen. Lugar’s defeat is a “tragedy for the Senate” #INSEN — Bahman Kalbasi (@BahmanKalbasi) May 9, 2012 Obama: As a friend...

When Indiana primary voters go to the polls on May 8, they should remember that in 2008 Dick Lugar verbally embraced Barack Obama and gave Obama bipartisan cover at a critical time in the campaign, so much so that Lugar became a prominent fixture in Obama...

Captain Carroll “Lex” Lefon, USN (ret), of Neptunus Lex blog, passed away on March 6: Carroll “Lex” LeFon, ATAC F-21 pilot, retired Naval Aviator, TOPGUN Graduate and prominent military blogger known as Neptunus Lex, was killed in a plane crash on the morning of March...

I have posted many times before about David Cicilline, former Mayor of Providence who hid the city’s financial problems during the 2010 election, and ran a scare grandma campaign, allowing him a relatively (for Rhode Island) narrow win over John Loughlin in my home RI-01...

Obama gave a good speech today at the U.N. on the Israel-Palestinian conflict: President Barack Obama told a meeting  of the United Nations General Assembly Wednesday that Mideast peace “will  not come through statements and resolutions” by the world body, arguing against  a proposed resolution...

Well, he keeps saying we need to emulate China. This video has caused a stir: The controversy was not the protest, but that the White House communications team threatened to suspended the reporter who took the videotape, because multimedia coverage of Obama’s fundraiser was not...

That seems to be the import of the ruling by federal Judge Gladys Kessler in upholding the Obamacare mandate in a suit brought by a group of private plaintiffs in Mead v. Holder (pg. 45, emphasis mine): As previous Commerce Clause cases have all involved...

(K McCaffrey) — I’ve read two really fascinating articles in the past twenty-four hours. In Politico, Roger Simon delved into some interesting territory by discussing coverage of the Arizona shooter, Jared Loughner. In “Is Jared Loughner insane or just evil?” Simon looks at our modern...

Today we’re running a guest column from Michael Alan, a freshman in Cornell’s school of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR). Michael is a contributor to the Cornell Review, and hails from Lewisburg, PA. The Albany Times-Union reported last week that the records from NY Governor...

I told you so, I told you so, I told you so. The worst aspect of Obamacare is that we have delegated enormous amounts of power through regulation to the Department of Health and Human Services.  Obamacare is the structure, but for every page there...

We have returned to the pre-Clinton policy of leaving it up to the military as to whether and on what terms servicemen and servicewomen may openly acknowledge same sex sexual orientation.  Contrary to popular media hype, repeal of the law does not itself require the...

I have written several times before about the controversial nomination of John J. “Jack” McConnell, Jr. to an open federal court seat in Rhode Island.  It appears that Democrats will use the lame duck session to force through McConnell’s nomination, which has been stalled for...

We have to get to the bottom of this. There is no higher national purpose than to determine whether Sarah Palin rolled her eyes when a propester[*] carrying an anti-Palin banner asserted that she was a teacher. Via Andrew Sullivan and the other members of...

Harry Reid has a failed record on Iraq for which he never has been held accountable. Reid voted for the war, then falsely claimed he was misled, then tried to defund the war, then declared the war lost, and then stubbornly refused to acknowledge the...

Harry Reid’s campaign and the Nevada State Democratic Party appear to be playing games with federal campaign finance laws as to expenditures to maintain and promote the fake “” website. That fake website was launched by the Reid campaign, as a press release from the...