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"The presidential statement reflects some variation on Stockholm Syndrome, lauding students assisted by faculty who took the campus hostage with bullhorns in study areas, marches including genocidal chants directed at Israeli Jews, vandalism of university property, and even putting Pollack on mock trial for complicity in genocide The encampment was only the final act in a months-long campus siege.

My Op-Ed in The NY Post: "The July 2020 DEI initiative was a colossal mistake that cannot be tweaked around the edges. It must be removed wholesale, weeded out root and branch."

My appearance on Laura Ingraham Show: "This is a toxic situation with toxic ideologies. These are essentially an anti-American anti-Western anti-capitalist ideology, similar to Occupy Wall Street from a decade ago, mixed in with Islamist pro terror groups and mixed in with praise for Hamas and other terrorist groups. This is not really something that we've seen before and I've been covering these movements for over a decade. It's worse now."