Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2669
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Yesterday almost was the greatest day in the history of Palin Derangement Syndrome.A deep, dark secret was revealed: When Palin was a child in the late 1960s, her family on a few occasions skipped across the border into Canada and ...


The Obama administration has gone over the edge, and as we know from Eric Massa (formerly D-NY), all the way into the shower.The thought of a naked Rahm Emanuel confronting an equally naked Massa in the showers at Congress over a vote is too horrible...

After trying in vain to keep Manuel Zelaya in power, imposing sanctions on Honduran politicians and goods, and falsely labeling the constitutional effort to preserve democracy as an illegal "coup," the Obama administration finally is calling it quits.Hillary Clinton is seeking to convince other nations...

via Electra at Livewyer-------------------------------------------- Related Posts:Coffee Party ParasitesCappuccino Party Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

Eric Massa (D-NY) is set to resign today. If he has not yet tendered his resignation, he should not do so.At least not if he is being forced out because of his health care vote, which is what he alleged over the weekend in a...

That seems to be the point of David Savage's intellectually dishonest column in the L.A. Times. Savage tries to link Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to the 2002 "torture memo" written by Thomas' former clerk, John Yoo.Savage's argument is that Thomas' view of the 8th...

This would have been even more insulting if the photo sequence were reversed:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:You Don't Know What You've Got 'Till It's GoneWe Lost The Olympics Because of BushRemember Bush Coup Talk?Bush Hid Ice Images From People Who Can't Use GoogleShocking Lack of RespectFollow me on...

Because men cannot be trusted to use condoms, the District of Columbia will become the first city to distribute female condoms for free (emphasis mine):The District will become the first city in the United States to distribute female condoms free, part of a project that...

Adam Gadahn has been captured, reportedly.Good. Period.This is a fight on which we all should be on the same side.But wait for it: This proves Obama's anti-terrorism strategy is better than Bush's -What, you mean working with your allies as opposed to trying to run...

Jim DeMint (R-SC) famously said that health care would be Barack Obama's Waterloo.But Waterloo probably wasn't the best analogy, in hindsight.Waterloo was a short but decisive battle. The health care fight has turned out to be more like the battle of Stalingrad.The battle of...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Craig Crawford announced on his blog that he is leaving MSNBC because he is sick and tired of being a "cartoon player for lefty games" demanded of him by...

There is no more pernicious aspect of the pending health care bills (Senate, House and Obama "proposal") than the mandate.The mandate is the provision which requires that individuals purchase private insurance.From that mandate flows a host of governmental controls over our lives, from specification of...

The Southern Poverty Law Center issued a misleading and politicized report on hate groups for the purpose of smearing those who oppose Democratic Party plans to expand government.This has become an all too common SPLC tactic, and is a disgrace because there was a time...

Obama is willing to be honest with his "progressive" base behind closed doors. The Senate health care bill plus some reconciliation fixes is just the start.The goal always has been a single payer system, and it remains so.As soon as the Senate bill becomes...

Despite their worst intentions, the people who try to tie every act of violence to the Tea Party movement are going to have trouble spinning the Pentagon shooting by J. Patrick Bedell.It has become pretty clear pretty quickly that Bedell sufferred from Bush Derangement Syndrome,...

The Baltic Sea in northern Europe is suffering its worst ice in over 15 years, trapping over 1000 people aboard two passenger ships and other vessels:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Does This Mean My House Never Will Be Waterfront?Thanks, Global WarmingGlobal Warming Hysteria Bursting Like Other BubblesFollow me on...

Yesterday, I posted my prediction that once the House passed the Senate bill, Obama would sign the Senate bill even if reconciliation changes promised to the House did not pass the Senate.Today, Judd Gregg (R-NH) is echoing that sentiment:The White House may renege on passing...