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"If an enemy wanted to make sure that Israel would come for them, the message would be to take children, women, innocents and more, tie them up and burn them alive. Just like the Holocaust.... I now know that is exactly the message Hamas sent, on purpose, at scale. I was not aware of that before. They did it methodically. You hear it in the voices, the commands, the ease and excitement of finding and mutilating victims."

Internationally-recognized definitions of Genocide do not require killing all members of a group, but Cornell defines it that way for campus policy: "An explicit call for genocide, to kill all members of a group of people, would be a violation of our policies." This avoids the issue of having to deal with the "Intifada" chants, since even the Intifada did not seek to "kill all" Jews, just a lot of them.

"Plaintiffs and their Jewish peers are routinely subjected to vile and threatening antisemitic slurs and chants such as ...'Fuck the Jews,'...'you are a dirty Jew, don’t look at us,' 'keep walking you dirty little Jew,' [and] 'get out of here kikes!'"