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Checking your privilege is all the rage on college campuses these days. Harvard’s Freshmen May Be Forced into ‘Check Your Privilege’ Training College Theater Production Features “White Privilege” Blame Game Funding for Cornell Student Groups Depends on ‘Diversity and Inclusion Plan’ Of course, if you...

In my post yesterday, Elizabeth Warren Wikipedia page ethnically cleansed, I noted that the lengthy explanation of Elizabeth Warren’s false claim to be Cherokee had been almost entirely purged from Warren’s Wikipedia page. My post set off some pretty vigorous debate among editors at Wikipedia. One...

I personally will never forget the horrendous 2009 Christmas Eve Senate vote for Obamacare. Around the same time, the “stimulus” legislation that eventually became the American Recovery and Investment Act was being bandied about the halls of Congress with tons of hyper-partisan theater. Now, it...

From DrewM at Ace of Spades HQ, What Does Let It Burn Mean? (h/t Hot Air), : As one of the first, if not the first, people to say Let It Burn, I’m clearly thrilled with the growing chorus of voices joining the movement. Like...

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY.  WAJ Media LLC dba Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, and effective March 1, 2019, the Legal Insurrection Foundation  (“Insurrection” or “Company”), through the websites,,, and, respectively (the “Website” or “Insurrection”) is provided for...

I don’t necessarily agree with everything Pat Buchanan says or writes, but his purge from MSNBC is a sign of the times, and his characterization is correct: The modus operandi of these thought police at Color of Change and ADL is to brand as racists...

There are two important columns each of which addresses the surge of Islamists throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. The first column, by Andy McCarthy, focuses on reports that the Obama administration is using Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi as a conduit for contact with the Taliban: The surrender...

K. McCaffrey — Since the 1980s, when one third of their population fell below the poverty line, the nation of Ireland has seen tremendous growth. This is a testament to the glory of a nation of people who had been purged of autonomy for hundreds...

The Muslim Brotherhood has announced that it will not run a presidential candidate and will not seek a parliamentary majority in the coming elections.  This announcement is being hailed as a sign of moderation, but it is no such thing. The Muslim Brotherhood must know...

I’m late to this, but the story has not received a lot of coverage in the conservative blogosphere.  Paul Mirengoff of Power Line blog no longer is of Power Line blog. Mirengoff is an attorney at Akin Gump, a big law firm with a large presence in...

Mohamed ElBaradei is one of those figures who, because he is fairly westernized, easily manipulates western media and left-of-center bloggers and pundits into thinking he wants a western-style democracy in Egypt. It is not surprising that despite his obvious opportunism, ElBaradei has become something of...

Fox News had an interesting article on Friday about the stuxnet malware, and how it was ingeniously constructed to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program: “In other words the worm was designed to allow the Iranian program to continue but never succeed, and never to know why.”...

The Stuxnet malware apparently was designed to damage or destroy industrial system controllers of the type used in Iran’s nuclear program. It is too early to assess what, if any, damage has taken place in Iran because of the secrecy of the Iranian regime.  Based...