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Leave it to MSNBC to provide Alec Baldwin with his very own platform. From the Hollywood Reporter: It’s Official: Alec Baldwin to Host Talk Show on MSNBC: Alec Baldwin has finalized a deal to host a weekly night-time talk show on MSNBC. The program –...

Extortion is the new social justice. We’ve written before about the bully tactics utilized by organizations like Color of Change in order to achieve their political aims. These tactics are not just abusive and opinion-supressive. They’re effective. Major companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart have already...

Don’t say I haven’t been warning you. While the secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh has been only marginally effective, Color of Change has had more success getting major companies to drop their participation in the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC) by falsely tying ALEC’s support of “stand...

There has been a pressure campaign against corporate sponsors of the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC) led by Color of Change and some of the same groups targeting conservative talk radio: Here’s how it works.  An issue which is neutral, such as voter i.d. laws, is portrayed...

My appearance on Allen West's podcast: "I think what you have seen is almost other worldly, how students have been captured by these ideologies and are unwilling to consider alternative viewpoints. It's very frightening. It reminds me of the Red Guard in China during the Cultural Revolution. People who are completely intolerant and very aggressive, and people who I think have the capacity for violence."