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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



"Los Angeles, the nation's second-largest city, had the most reported hate crimes — a record 609, with 195 of those classified as anti-Black, 98 as anti-gay (male), 91 as anti-Jewish and 88 anti-Latino."...

My appearance on Education First NC podcast hosted by Sloan Rachmuth, regarding holding social media companies liable for designing manipulative platforms that are deceptively addictive, using mass tort products liability legal approaches: "TikTok seems like the crack cocaine of the internet."...

The Vanguard School District in Colorado supported and reinstated middle schooler Jaiden, 12, after the school forced him to leave due to the Gadsden flag patch on his backpack. These people, who are supposed to educate our children, claim the patch violated the school policy against...