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Pre-Election prediction by one of our nation’s most insightful commentators foresaw the devastating effects of an Obama victory, but no one listened: “The stock market will not rebound unless and until it is clear that we have a president-elect who believes in the markets. Someone...

Think a change of administration only matters if the incoming President can pass legislation? Here is a list of Justice Department jobs from the “Plum Book” which are filled at the discretion of the President. While legislation is important, these positions and hundreds more, will...

It has been a while since I have agreed with Thomas Friedman, but Mr. Friedman has a good observation on the economic forces which may lead to the collapse of the Iranian regime: Under Ahmadinejad, Iran’s mullahs have gone on a domestic subsidy binge —...

Respected financial journalist Charles Gasparino has an excellent article, entitled An Obama Panic? In the article, Gasparinio makes a point the mainstream media ignores: While Obama certainly did not cause the credit and market crisis, the fear of an Obama victory is fueling the crisis....