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Author: Parker Thayer

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Parker Thayer

Parker Thayer is a research assistant at Capital Research Center. A native of Michigan, he recently graduated from Hillsdale College. He specializes in researching nonprofit organizations and their impact on elections.

George Soros, the “man behind the curtain,” at 92 years young, is still making headlines, although arguably not very positive ones.  The mere mention of his name last week by Republican Senator Macro Rubio unleashed a flood of baseless allegations of anti-Semitism on Twitter and in the media. Soros, it seems, still inspires the left to defend his behavior in often despicable ways.

What is a Soros backed prosecutor?,” progressives demanded to know, before immediately labeling it an anti-Semitic dog whistle.

Mark Zuckerberg’s invention opened U.S. elections up to manipulation by foreign powers that everyone should be aware of.

No, not Facebook. His other invention. The private funding of public election offices.

When Zuckerberg contributed roughly $400 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life to privately finance public election offices, he was the first person ever to do so. It was a strategy simply unheard of before 2020. And this second invention of the billionaire, who became famous for his serious effect on tech, had a serious effect on elections.