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Author: Leslie Eastman

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Leslie Eastman

I am an Environmental Health and Safety Professional, as well as a science/technical writer for a variety of news and professional publications. I have been a citizen activist since 2009, and am one of the co-founders of the San Diego-based group, Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition.

The recent move by the World Health Organization (WHO) to recommend that nations end lockdowns as the chief means of controlling the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus was intriguing. However, in a recent piece that is nothing less than shocking, a new report from The New York Times says that experts are confident that the coronavirus pandemic will end “far sooner” than originally expected.

Two months before the 2016 presidential election, an anonymously published essay titled "The Flight 93 Election" urged Americans to "charge the cockpit" by casting their votes for Donald Trump. The author of that seminal piece, Michael Anton, has followed up that pivotal essay with a gripping analysis about the tactics of the left and the consequences to the country if it prevails.

Last week, I reported that California Gov. Gavin Nesom had signed an executive order banning the sale of new cars and diesel vehicles in the state after 2035. This week, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler mocked Newsom’s plan to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035, saying the proposal raises “significant questions of legality.”