Jay Carney Jr. (aka Josh Earnest): IRS Scandal just Republican conspiracy theory
“I don’t know if you’re floating another conspiracy or if this is a request from Republicans who are floating a conspiracy”
The new White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest is in a hurry to outpace his predecessor when it comes to untruths and spin.
When asked about the ridiculous claims surrounding Lois Lerner’s lost emails by the White House press pool on Friday, Earnest flippantly brushed off concerns as a Republican driven conspiracy theory.
Transcript and video via the Washington Free Beacon:
White House Calls IRS Investigation a ‘Conspiracy Theory’
Q: On the investigation of the emails, did the investigators or White House counsel look at — or look for emails between the White House and the chief of staff or other aides of Lerner?
JOSH EARNEST: Are you asking about emails that would have been exchanged –
Q: From the White House to Lerner’s chief of staff or her other aides, top aides.
EARNEST: Well, I guess I wasn’t aware that that was a specific request from Republicans. Did they ask for that?
Q: I don’t know. I’m asking you. (Laughter.)
(Cross talk.)
EARNEST: Roger, it turns out that there have been 13 months of multiple congressional investigations, including 14 congressional hearings, 30 interviews with IRS employees, 50 written congressional requests, and 750,000 pages of documents, and all of that has done nothing to substantiate false Republican claims of a broader political conspiracy.
So I don’t know if you’re floating another conspiracy or if this is a request from Republicans who are floating a conspiracy or what exactly the suggestion is. But the fact of the matter is we’ve cooperated extensively, and despite that cooperation, you know, we’ve seen continued allegations of Republican conspiracy theories that just never pan out.
Here’s the video:
The White House clearly doesn’t understand the importance of being earnest.
Pun intended.
Featured image via YouTube.
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“But the fact of the matter is we’ve cooperated extensively, and despite that cooperation, you know, we’ve seen continued allegations of Republican conspiracy theories that just never pan out.”
I’m not dead sure, but “panning out” seems to me a reference to the search for gold in sand and gravel.
So, going with that, the idiot liar for Pres. ScamWOW is pretty wrong. Not only have these inquiries produced “color”, they seem to have taken us to the “mother lode”.
By which I simply mean BIG GOVERNMENT itself.
There is just no doubt.
It is time to burn the tax code down. It is time to take the power of the IRS away. Forever.
“…we’ve cooperated extensively” but not COMPLETELY and you know it Spin Doctor Earnest, aka Hillary Clinton in another pantsuit.
Trivializing the lawlessness behavior of the IRS (or of the EPA, the ED, the NSA, the DHS, the Executive branch, the DOJ or the scandal department of day) into a “right-wing” political conspiracy is to be dismissive of the all Americans and the laws that Americans must abide by. It also reveals that there is absolutely a cover up in put in place by this administration. Americans are not fooled.
And, now let’s talk about global warming, income inequality, minimum wage or fill-in-the-blank with scripted BS. Blah, blah blah.
The lies, the spins keep coming as will the tsunami of will for Obama’s impeachment (see Andrew McCarthy’s new book Faithless Execution). His horrendous legacy as the worst President ever also awaits him. Keep being smug, Obama & Co.
In all Earnest, shame on this smug useful idiot.
Within this administration smug useful idiots seem to abound as recently seen by the look-down-his-nose contemptuous IRS chief.
“lawless” not lawlessness. (More coffee, please.)
“Americans are not fooled.”
I beg to differ, if Rasmussen is any indicator. Barry has picked up five points since it was announced the e-mails were missing.
Either the electorate is insane or they’ve figured out a way to manipulate the polls.
It was time for them to install the best, most polished liar they could find to face the press. Things are falling apart and they need the best con man they can find (and Obama is too busy right now).
That paragraph where he spews all the numbers (“13 months, 14 congressional hearings, etc.”) was rehearsed and memorized.
He’s going to make Baghdad Bob look like an amateur.
It’s a remarkable thing, when those accused of misbehavior are asked to produce evidence against themselves, how little evidence is forthcoming. If only the Republicans weren’t so detesticate….
ISSA needs to use the same tactics that the IRS/EPA/OSHA used on regular citizens, for example – Gibson Guitar.
Go and get the @#$%^&*! evidence.
Lock down the building. Sequester the employees under suspicion.
Give them a taste of their own $%^&*! medicine.
It will be interesting to see what happens next. The Left’s vehicle for power is the State. But the State depends on the nation. How if the the nations are supplanted — as in Latin America, the Middle East and even America and Europe — by tribes. What happens to the State?
If what used to be called “America” is replaced by affinity groups based around races, beliefs or sexual orientations, the Left will inherit nothing but a broken, Balkanized world, not the shiny New International Order they were counting on.
If you aren’t reading Fernandez regularly, let me recommend that you should.
What we are seeing here is a government that has ceased to have any connection with its charter. It is openly at war with its people. The contempt it has for us is open and undisguised.
We are not at risk of seeing America broken…it is broken. And it was broken on purpose.
What Fernandez is asking is something like this: since there is no America you are willing to fight and die to protect, what America are you willing to support in any other way people support a nation? What makes the Collective think we will pay taxes to support this?
And what happens when we simply won’t?
There’s bitter truth in every word of that post. Thank you.
Thanks for that link, Ragspierre. I’m mostly a lurker here but I always appreciate your input. Always informative, usually entertaining and sometimes hilarious.
Thank you, Zachary. I do my little best to keep it real.
That is a quite revealing look from an IRS insider. Read the other three parts, too.
The Regulatory State in general has lost all sense of accountability. It isn’t new, either. When you have a Republican president in office, they work very hard and very openly to subvert their policies. This is true even in State and Defense, along with the intelligence agencies. See Plame, Valerie.
The America we have now is a little more than the Founders had: a set of ideas, ideals, principles, and a small group of patriots who hold those truths as self-evident. We have the advantage of precedent and of history. We have to fight another revolution to retake our country that we have lost. We must rouse ourselves, organize, and get on with “crushing bugs.”