Killer Spam or Stuxnet?
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Killer Spam or Stuxnet?

Killer Spam or Stuxnet?

Via The Telegraph:

A “Black Widow” suicide bomber planned a terrorist attack in central Moscow on New Year’s Eve but was killed when an unexpected text message set off her bomb too early, according to Russian security sources.

The unnamed woman, who is thought to be part of the same group that struck Moscow’s Domodedovo airport on Monday, intended to detonate a suicide belt on a busy square near Red Square on New Year’s Eve in an attack that could have killed hundreds.

Security sources believe a spam message from her mobile phone operator wishing her a happy new year received just hours before the planned attack triggered her suicide belt, killing her but nobody else.

She was at her Moscow safe house at the time getting ready with two accomplices, both of whom survived and were seen fleeing the scene.

Personally, I think it was Stuxnet.

(h/t Brian at The Hope For America)
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I just might re-evaluate my hatred for all things spammy. Silver linings, and all that…

"Personally, I think it was Stuxnet."

Let's hope.

That story strikes me as a glaring revelation that these people aren't as "intelligent" as they are made out to be by the MSM. Triggering an explosion with a cell phone text message, knowing that SPAM texts could set it off – not too bright. But then again, these are people who are willing to kill themselves, while targeting several others, to get into heaven – and they don't see what is flawed in that logic. I would say that SPAM is a great idea – more SPAM!!

"Spamity-spam, oh wonderful Spam! (spam spam spam spam)"

You knew this was coming, right?!


yeah, we used that clip over at patterico.


we have come up with new words for schadenfruede over at patterico, in the comments.

Professor, the link to the original story is bad. It looks like you pasted in the text, instead.

@pubsecrets – link fixed, thanks.

I'm guessing the Stuxnet comment was a joke.

I wonder if this will prompt another Darwin Award like this one?

As described, the incident is an uncanny reminder of events in a Greenwich Village "safe house," when a bomb explosion suddenly took place on March 6, 1970, an incident involving the Weather Underground organization and Barack Obama’s Chicago neighbor and friend, Bill Ayers.

The unplanned explosion occurred during the organization’s preparations to set off two terror bombs simultaneously, one to be set off at a dance being held at Fort Dix, a U.S. Army base in south-central New Jersey, and the other in the Butler Library at Columbia University. The dance at Ft. Dix was for non-commissioned officers.

Instead, there was a huge explosion in the basement of that Greenwich Village safe house located at 18 West 11th Street, when one of the huge nail bombs that was being constructed there detonated prematurely for unknown reasons. There was some speculation that Ayers' then girlfriend, WUO member Diana Oughton, may have committed suicide by triggered the bomb, but there has never been proof of that.

In addition to Oughton radicals Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins were also killed in the explosion. But other co-conspirators, Cathy Wilkerson and Kathy Boudin managed to escape.

The details of the planned attack on the NCOs at Fort Dix (and speculation about whoever might have been in the Columbia library at the time), coupled with the fact that these were to be nail bombs, give the lie to the Ayers assertion that the Weatherman did not try to take lives with their bombings.

The incident helped drive the radicals further underground, at least for a period of time.

ROFLMAO! I pray it's Stuxnet. That will teach the Muzzies a thing or two. Dem Juice! Oh, dem Juice! They love life while da Muzzies love death. Hand it to 'em, then.