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It’s all over in Ithaca

It’s all over in Ithaca

1 of 3

And I mean all over.

Here’s the first panel:

Bumper Stickers - Ithaca - All Over


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You have to be real secure to be seen in a car like this

“Secure” isn’t the first word I would choose.

We’ve got a couple of moonbatmobiles that cruise around town. I try and stay far away from them because I figure they’re already on the edge and any little thing could push them over.

Henry Hawkins | March 28, 2014 at 12:50 pm

Naaaaw, this one’s cool. Not much political theme evident. Lots of generic humor, a lot of it self deprecatory. Free speech, individualism, creativity (I guess). “I’m driving a roller skate, so what the hell…” We need more of this on the roads!

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to Henry Hawkins. | March 29, 2014 at 3:06 am

    🙂 Agree.

    We need more humor. Hey, it’s his car and his resale problem. Meanwhile, he gets a smile wherever he goes. 🙂

Nascar wannabe.

Well I guess Ithaca hasn’t changed much since I graduated from Cornell Law School in 1973.
This is my first comment here (why is Word press such a pain to “join’?) and I want to thank Prof. Jacobson for such a fine blog.

Grumpy Old Man | March 28, 2014 at 3:18 pm

My sister says anyone who has more than 3 bumper stickers, no matter what they say, is a nut. She has a point.