The most dangerous years of the Obama presidency are upon us
A united front is needed, but we are likely to get a Republican war on the Tea Party instead.

With Obama’s State of the Union address coming up, it’s easy to breath a sigh of relief that another year is behind us, and he only has three more to go.
These are the three most dangerous years.
His time is running out, and he knows it. Obama’s rough 2013 prompts a new blueprint:
An internal White House assessment concludes that President Obama must distance himself from a recalcitrant Congress after being badly damaged last year by legislative failures, a government shutdown and his own missteps….
As a result, Washington veterans have been brought into the West Wing to emphasize an executive style of governing that aims to sidestep Congress more often….
That point was more a reminder than a novel assessment. After Obama’s second inaugural address last January, Podesta, then head of the Center for American Progress, the administration’s off-campus think tank, said Obama “no longer feels to me like a prime minister.”
“He now understands the full range of the power of the presidency to get things done,” Podesta said at the time.
Now in the West Wing for a year-long stint as senior adviser, Podesta acknowledged that he was brought in partly to make that early prediction a reality….
“One of the things that I’ll be emphasizing in this meeting is the fact that we are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need,” Obama told reporters before the session began. “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone.”
Holding the House and taking back the Senate in 2014, while extremely important, cannot stop someone who considers himself above it all.
A united front is needed for the next three years. So what is Republican and Congressional leadership planning?
A war on the Tea Party.

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His governing philosophy has gone from “Hope & Change” to “go ahead – try and stop me”.
I think many of us were so invested in trying to stop his re-election not only to repeal the assault on liberty that is Obamacare but also because we knew that he’d be far more dangerous in a second term not having to worry about re-election. He’s already got the Senate to surrender its constitutional turf to him by violating its own rules to nuke the filibuster for judicial appointments. More to come. Guaranteed.
Prepare yourself for the most radical unconstitutional usurpation of executive power since FDR.
‘go ahead and try to stop me’? Boehner and the Republicans aren’t even trying!
The problem is that battle is not Democrat vs. Republican but Washington DC vs. the people. The ruling class vs. the working class.
I cannot stress enough how sick I am of the GOP at present.
Meh. Maybe it’s time to sit back and watch the world burn.
You are either a Democrat, or one of the Republican brats that lost us the last two elections.
I love the sound of Whig in the morning. They were called “Know Nothings” for a reason….
I hear you, man. There is no reason to pull the lever to put the GOP in power when the policies are the same. They make was on US after we get them elected. That is the ultimate insult.
Not one single Republican voted for Obamacare. On the Republican side there are some people trying to do the right thing. On the Democrat side there are none.
When the “sick of the GOP” crowd sits home and lets Democrats win (thinking they’ll send someone a message), it encourages the GOP establishment to move left — besides giving us years of Bolshevik mischief to contend with.
If you’ve got a choice between unsatisfactory and atrocious, and you have to live with one or the other, only a fool would not make a tiny effort to stop the atrocious side from winning.
Yes, that’s how the game goes. When the GOPE decided to take a whizz in my face after I voted for them, that’s the point at which your position became untenable.
I believe when someone has nothing to say except “Don’t vote for the Republicans” they are likely a Democrat. How did they “take a whizz” in your face clown?
Look at that picture. A grinning façade of an empty suit between two men of substance and achievement.
“So what is Republican and Congressional leadership planning?
A war on the Tea Party.”
In all fairness, we should admit that the Tea Party started this war. It is intrinsically at war with the national political establishment, which includes the national Republican leadership and a lot of foot soldiers. So it’s entirely natural for the latter to reply in kind; don’t forget how much we rejoice every time someone like Dick Lugar is forced to spend more time with his family….
Not necessarily wise, of course, to further make war on your political base (that got intense long before 2009, see for example Bush’s amnesty push which shattered the party before the 2008 election), but then again for themselves, personally, the existing system works just fine. Until the free ice cream runs out, of course.
I think we’ll only see real change when the Republican’s political losses become great enough, especially if it’s to a third party, except that we simply don’t know when the free ice cream runs out, it could be quicker than than the normal political process takes, we aren’t Japan which has been able to borrow 240% of its GDP, or so I think.
How you figure the tea party started it?
You typed in your own comment that Bush started it with his amnesty push in 2008.
And it actually started before that, though much more lowkey, with the GOP-controlled DC passing No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D.
So to reiterate what the body of your comment actually admitted, the GOP leadership started this, by acting as much like Big Government Liberals as so-called moderate Democrats.
What happened to the conservative party in American politics?
We haven’t had one since H W ascended to the heights after backfighting his own president for 8 years.
How about: The Tea Party started the counter-revolution, and should not be surprised by the state/establishment putting its full weight behind suppressing them?
I’d also note Reagan was just such a counter-revolutionary; you won’t find a Republican president like him until you go back to Calvin Coolidge.
A united front is needed for the next three years. So what is Republican and Congressional leadership planning?
A war on the Tea Party.
Which is why I don’t give a hoot about the GOP winning the Senate and holding the House in 2014. I will vote for certain GOP candidates, but the the GOP leadership has more in common with Obama than they do with the Republican base.
One of the reasons the country is in the trouble it is in is because there is no opposition party any more. Instead, we have the Evil Party (Democrats) that controls most branches of government, and the Slightly Less Evil Party (Republicans), which uses the nominal control of the House to rubber stamp whatever Obama proposes in terms of fiscal policy.
In Texas I’ll vote for Abbott if he is the nominee (anyone slimed by Wendy Davis and the Texas media has at least a few redeeming qualities), but Cornyn can go jump in the lake. I’ll vote for Stockman in the primary, and then Libertarian or independent in the general election.
The Leftists infiltrated both parties. They have been more successful with the Democrats. They are unfortunately well established in the GOP. The majority of US citizens are, for the most part, without representation.
I agree with you on gaining the Senate, and retaking the house. I don’t think it will change things much. The GOP can’t be trusted until conservatives are running it.
Professor, your observations, predictions, and analysis have been top notch since I began following you in 2011. This statement is the most frightening and certain of all. Most worrisome, to borrow a phrase from Don Rumsfeld, are the “unknown unknowns.”
Our Crown Prince’s ego and ambitions are worrisome enough by themselves. But, he is a supremely unsophisticated, naïve person who has surrounded himself with a cast of similar, if not more immature, personalities. Healthcare, the economy, debt, voter fraud, palace intrigue and constant corruption are bad enough, but the rest of the world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place with each passing day. Obama is unreliable and no one trusts him or America any more. More and more our global friends are on their own and know it. He may be in charge of the mess he’s created here, and neither the congress or judiciary are going to do anything about it, but he’s now virtually powerless to do anything in the outside world and making the US less able to do anything, even if he had the courage or wisdom to do so.
This mindset that assumes ‘ego’, ‘ambition’,’unsophisticated’, ‘naive’, ‘immature’ when confronted by purposeful, deliberate, many-front war on our Republic by an evil Marxist–I just don’t know what to make of it. It’s like watching a bunch of boy-scouts get mugged.
I understand what you’re saying and agree with your assessment of Obama’s beliefs. What I’m saying is that he is a puppet. He has no money, e.g. Soros, Buffet, Gates, Wasserstein ; he’s not black; he’s not Muslim: he’s not African; he’s not Mamaysian, he’s not from Chicago. He’s not an artist, not an engineer, not a banker; hell, he’s not even a lawyer, e,g. prosecuted an accused, defended an accused, written or negotiated a contract, planned an estate. He is anti-American; and he mocks our laws, the things that have BEEN GIVEN TO HIM – UNCONDITIONALLY.
When he’s done tearing down the country for these people, he’s toast. All these people are going to put him out like yesterday’s garbage. That’s the naivete and ignorance. All he’ll have left is a handful of brokendown, smelly Occupiers. He may be comfortable in his dotage, but he’ll be little more than a curiosity. And the people that he despises most – the Boy Scouts among us will defend the sorry bastard. If any survive what he’s tearing down.
It will get worse, just wait. At some point the public will be pushed sufficiently to act and that is when it will all break wide open. Right now I feel many people are just waiting and hoping what they know is coming will not arrive.
The gallery above ( in London iirc) is stupendous .
Does the admin not have one art curator on its books that understands space let alone tradition?
Crass just srass.
Every time I see that picture of Obama, I imagine Big Brother trying to sell me a used car.
Or even someone with a tiny bit of taste?
I was assuming that was photoshopped in to make him look bad. If that’s for real…wow.
U.S. Embassy London
It looks like his ears are taped back as well. Just a gross caricature of our seditious president. Maybe it is intended to reflect back to 1984.
The the members of the establishment who hold power in the republican party are false flag republicans. They have no interest is actually opposing the democrats, never did, They just come home and lie to us to get re-elected, look at McCain. So don’t bother trying to shame them into doing something that is not in the best interest of the cabal they are part of.
Unite and fight using what ever talent you have, we are all we’ve got. Thank God for the internet.
Uh, it was algore who gave us the inter-tubes. Accuracy is everything.
We’re going to find out what “more flexibility” means, unless the feckless GOP can manage to put country first ahead of party.
The GOP establishment puts the GOP establishment above all else including the country!
It means increasing your ability to BOHICA.
>>”His governing philosophy has gone from “Hope & Change” to “go ahead – try and stop me”.
Why the hell wouldn’t he? He knows no one will stop him. Or even try. And why would they, when there’s a Tea Party to stop?
It seems to me there was an ongoing war on the Republican establishment by some who claim a Tea Party label. It is they who began attacking. So if those under attack decide to defend themselves, that is now a “war on the Tea Party”?
Sounds like some people can dish it out just fine, but when it is their turn to take return fire, they squeal like frightened children.
If we are to have unity, should we not be uniting behind the elected leaders of our Party? Solid majorities of our elected members of Congress have chosen their leadership. But some of those who wave a Tea Party banner speak of these men who have devoted years to conservative causes as if they were worse than Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.
How can you complain about a “war on the Tea Party” with a straight face after all the “primarying” and “RINO” talk that goes on, and is backed by action, by those who claim the Tea Party label?
If I were a Tea Party Pub (I’m not but I have considerable sympathy with them) then of course I’d be smart enough to expect the RINOs and the Boehner-wing to fight back. It’s what pols do; they don’t go down without a fight.
I don’t mind the fight at all. I welcome it.
The Pubs have to do decide who and what they are. Reagan understood this; that’s why he was in the wilderness for a while. He ate a lot of rubber chicken so as to get the party to go along with his ideas. Hasn’t been anyone like him since with the vision and the political smarts to make it happen.
So there has to be a fight, and Democrats (and Soros) being what they are, they’re going to try and influence it on their terms. They’d like a Pub party that leans center-left; it would give them the ability to move further left.
The fight needs to be now, before the primaries, and it needs to continue after November so that the Pubs have a strong candidate in 2016. We don’t need (and likely wouldn’t survive) another McCain.
Let’s have it and let’s see what the Pubs are going to be.
The GOP mugged America with ballooning deficits, run-away government and astronomical, unsustainable spending incurred by Bush II and a republican led House and Senate. The Tea-Party exists because of your ilk.
We are not crying. We are even more pissed off after having found out that the GOP was not just misinformed and lost; rather it was–as Ted Cruz revealed during that government shutdown–complicit. The GOP used to be able to run as conservatives. No longer.
So, no, we are not whining. We are out to rip your f()&(^# balls off.
you seem to forget that, were it not for the Tea Party, Pelosi would still hold the gavel, and our debt would already be $20 trillion.
the establishment GOP were more than happy to ride the wave ni 2010, but now that someone wants to actually change the status quo, it’s an all-out war against anyone who threatens the Golden Goose.
“you seem to forget that, were it not for the Tea Party, Pelosi would still hold the gavel, and our debt would already be $20 trillion.”
Most of the races that took over Democrat held seats in 2010 were what the “stop voting for Republicans because they’re no different than Democrats” crowd would call “establishment liberal Republicans”.
I don’t get how if it wasn’t for the Tea Party the debt would now be $20 trillion.
I mean those races were won by what those folks would “establishment” etc.
I haven’t heard him say he leaving in 2016.
*he’s *
A first sighted at an official do in London – consulate? I do suspect someone has taken a few liberties on this pic but yes – it is teal
‘Real’ & this is for Vince who , not being an LI regular , is not up on such matters.
Uhm, I’m not a LI regular? Since when..
U would’ve seen this before.
*Shrug* I miss some stories or I’ve seen this before and just totally forgot. Anyways, it’s a not a flattering picture if that’s what he intended (I’m assuming BO had some say in this).
Clearing the path for Hillary. Exactly why is Soros sticking his nose in our business?
It’s a familiar odor – the stench of corruption. When I was young, I learned that guys that work in the sewage treatment plant don’t notice the smell.
The little factoid has served me well in understanding both politics and law.
Liberty is not free; but slavery is not free either. Hillary and Soros and the others who claim to be Americans(and who are not)know this.