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“The Great Unpaid” Week at College Insurrection

“The Great Unpaid” Week at College Insurrection

The Great Unpaid:

Are about to join The Great Unwashed:

While the aristocracy doesn’t even let them eat cake:

Sounds like the IRS is running the place:

Dartmouth ain’t what it used to be:

Go get ’em tiger:

Uh huh.

Support your local right-wing Ivy League students:

Question of the Week:

Blog Post Title of the Week:


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Uncle Samuel | July 6, 2013 at 8:45 am

Iowahawk, David Burge @iowahawkblog

#DavesFarmingTips don’t hire cheap illegal immigrants for backbreaking field labor. Go to the local college and offer unpaid internships.

So, I suppose that I would be safe in assuming that ol’ Lizzy (fake Indian) Warren is a believer in servitude or in more crass terms, slavery.

How fitting that she hails from MA, a bastion of transparency, tolerance and truthfulness!

I’m getting that warm fuzzy feeling…

They pay Chem E major interns. My #1 daughter is doing an Chem E internship. She is getting paid rather well. Supply and demand.