Shut yo mouth:
- Texas high school cuts valedictorian’s mic for talking about the US Constitution
- Australian University Censors Speech Deemed Offensive to Islam
- Pro-Palestinian groups on campus aren’t big fans of free speech
And dress the way we tell you:
- New Hampshire senior not allowed to wear Marine uniform at graduation
- Poarch Creek Indian grad’s diploma plucked for wearing eagle feather
Or maybe just don’t dress at all:
- Porn Star Does Penance for Catholic High Photo-Shoot
- Charges dropped against Carnegie Mellon student who marched as naked pope
And be careful or we’ll snoop on you:
- Oregon bill bans snooping in students’ social media
- Privacy concerns over $100 million student database
- U. Maryland secretive about secret NSA campus facility
The speech police will decide what you can say:
- College Language Police Go International
- Shocker – Think Progress defends new campus speech codes
- Video – Greg Lukianoff of The FIRE discusses absurd new campus speech codes
Until sanity prevails:
- Psychologist: “These zero-tolerance policies are psychotic”
- UNC Speech Code Goes Down in Flames
- Cal State Student: If Rubio’s Immigration Bill is so Great, Why Does Obama Support It?
- Majority of Americans now oppose race-based college admissions
Bonus Student Debt Bubble News:
- Lesbian student seeks debt forgiveness after being kicked-out of religious university
- Cooper Union students protest to remain tuition free
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