Unbelievable. By any standard.
MSNBC to hire Al Sharpton for 6 p.m. slot, according to The NY Times:
Mr. Sharpton’s imminent hiring, which was acknowledged by three people at the channel on condition of anonymity because the contract had not been signed, is significant in part because MSNBC and other news channels have been criticized for a paucity of minority hosts in prominent time slots. Mr. Sharpton, who is black and is a well-known civil rights activist and radio host, has been guest hosting in the 6 p.m. time slot for the last three weeks.
Let’s see. Jew-baiter, unrepentant fraudster, tax delinquent, former Democratic National Convention speaker and presidential candidate.
Yup, he’ll fit right in.

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So, will Tawana Brawley be hired for guest commentary on Al’s show?
MSNBC has taken the last step into total irrelevance with this one.
MSNBC is really ramping up for that 2012 “card game”.
Proof positive that MSMBC is a propaganda organ of the left. Only progressive, race-baiting, identity politics pros need apply.
They are beneath contempt.
oops. *MSNBC.
The deal isn’t finalized. MSNBC is still talking to its first choice–Reverend Wright.
LukeHandCool (who wonders … just how anti-semitic would a black man have to be before it disqualified him from being hired by MSNBC? It seems like the threshold is extremely high. Aren’t there any self-respecting “diamond merchants” at MSNBC who have any problem with the hiring of Sharpton?)
Sorry Professor but I have to say that you said it best and steal you comment for my answer…..
“Yup, he’ll fit right in”
now where did that r go when I tried to type “your” comment?
Gee, and who will be the guests on his first few shows?
Will the lineup include former NY Dutchess County District Attorney, Steven A. Pagones, who won a libel suit against Sharpton, Alton H, Maddox, Jr., C. Vernon Mason, and Tawana Brawley for defaming him by falsely claiming that he was a participant in the alleged abduction and rape of Ms. Brawley way back in 1987, all of which turned out to have been nothing more than a racially-charged hoax?
From the NY Times reporting on the outcome of collection efforts by Mr. Pagones some years later:
Yep. That’s who we want reporting on our national politics . . . a proven race hustler and defamer!
So, I’d have to guess his job will be to further “develop the case” that the members of the Tea Party . . . (I mean the “teabaggers,” sorry_ . . . are all just a bunch of filthy racists, and that all the Republicans are too!
This is probably just part of MSNBC‘s ongoing effort to contribute to the advancement of civility in our national discourse, don’t you know!
After the Tucson shootings the Washington Post inexplicably allowed Sharpton op-ed space to lament uncivil debate. Not only is Sharpton unrepentant about defaming an honorable public servant, Steven Pagones – Sharpton never paid the judgment Pagones won, supporters paid for him – but Sharpton, in the op-ed, lies about his involvement in the Freddy’s Fashion Mart massacre. (He claims his only sin was using the term “white” to modify “interloper.” Of course from context, any interloper was, by definition, white. But Sharpton said a lot more than that, that contemporaneous accounts in the New York Times show.)
Compounding the outrage, Meet The Press had him on the panel and not a single panelist – not the dripping-with-phony-gravitas David Gregory, not so-called conservatives David Brooks and Peggy Noonan – challenged Sharpton on his record. It was as if there was a “hands off the Rev” rule. Disgraceful stuff.
I’m no lawyer, but I’m convinced he should have been charged as an accessory in the Freddy’s massacre. I’m guessing that there was no way to prove definitively that he had foreknowledge of the crime. But he had to have known that one of his groupies had threatened the store.
the theological ambulance chaser’s got a soapbox.
Can’t wait to see the Rev. Al’s ‘Tawanna Brawley’ truth-detector segments.
After looking at the other contributors on MSNBC I have concluded that the Rev Al is not the token Black at MSNBC, he is the token conservative.
Sure hope his 8 viewers enjoy the show…
What’s the problem? While the black establishment seizes on the least possible evidence of racism to denounce its opponents and call for their removal from public life, it’s clear that even among leaders who cannot conceivably be termed anti-Semitic themselves do not see open, overt, and vicious anti-Semitism to be any sort of disqualifier, or even something worth an apology.
You forgot to list Mr. Sharpton’s long time occupation: rabid race pimp.
The Church of What’s Happenin’ Now just called a preacher.
[…] self parody that is MSNBC. I wonder what it’s like going through life as a complete and utter […]
Let the viewers of MSNBC see this race hustler on a daily basis. So far they have only seen him as a guest on programs like Bill O’Reilly and other liberal programs. They will get an eyeful. This may alleviate all the dumb white guilt.
[…] Professor Jacobson, seems to endorse the move, from Legal Insurrection: Let’s see. Jew-baiter, unrepentant fraudster, tax delinquent, former Democratic National […]
[…] it down saying he didn't want to work for a network that didn't "challenge power." MSNBC Engages In Self-Parody, Hires Al Sharpton For 6 p.m. Slot Legal Insurrection – William A. Jacobson – July 21, 2011 Why Cenk Uygur Left MSNBC – Part […]