Yes, Dems’ Favorability Just Hit Record Lows, But 1992 Offers a Cautionary Tale
So, while Republicans are riding high at the moment and Democrats seem lost in a political abyss, the future remains unpredictable.

Republicans are celebrating new polls from NBC News and CNN, which show the Democratic Party at its lowest favorability since 1990 and 1992, respectively. While this is encouraging for the GOP, history serves as a reminder that despite similarly bleak numbers, Bill Clinton still won the presidency in 1992.
An NBC News poll released on Sunday found that only 27% of respondents have a positive view of the Democratic Party—the lowest rating since 1990. Among them, just 7% described their views as ‘very’ positive.
That same day, a CNN poll found that 29% of respondents had a “favorable” view of the Democratic Party—a level not seen since 1992. For context, when President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, just two weeks after the January 6 Capitol riot, the party’s favorability stood at 49%.
These results are certainly encouraging for Republicans. Given the Democratic Party’s increasingly aggressive “whatever it takes” approach to politics over the past decade—an approach that some argue is both unethical and potentially illegal—this decline in favorability is hardly surprising. Rather than offering original policy ideas or working with Republicans on issues that matter to most voters, Democratic lawmakers have focused their efforts almost entirely on obstructing President Donald Trump’s agenda.
What was surprising, however, was that Democratic voters largely approved of the party’s resistance and wanted it to continue. According to NBC News, “Democratic voters say they want their party to hold the line on their positions, even if it leads to gridlock, rather than focus on finding areas of compromise with the president.”
Similarly, CNN reported that “Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, by a margin of 57% to 42%, believe the party should prioritize blocking the Republican agenda rather than working with the GOP majority.”
During a Sunday interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, host Kristen Welker cited the new poll and asked Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) why he thinks “Democrats are failing to connect with Americans.”
Murphy, who sure acts like he’s conducting a ghost campaign for the 2028 presidential nomination, replied:
I think Americans want the Democratic Party to stand up and fight and to take risks. Listen, I understand that, had we gone into a shut down, even for a handful of days, it would have been difficult. But it would have sent a message that the Democratic Party is not going to be bullied by Donald Trump … That is the conversation that has to happen inside of the Democratic Party, inside our caucus. And if we don’t get that right, if we continue to work with Republicans, if we continue to hand Donald Trump more power, we are going to lose our democracy.
Kristen Welker asks Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) why he thinks the democrat party approval number are at record lows.
"We are not going to be bullied by Donald Trump…..If we continue to work with Republicans…we are going to lose our Democracy."
I for one think they should…
— DeVory Darkins (@devorydarkins) March 16, 2025
Reacting to the disastrous polls and Murphy’s pledge to continue their path of resistance, The American Spectator’s David Catron concluded that “the Democratic Party is collapsing. It is so consumed by TDS that there is literally no room left for any positive policy agenda.”
“If characters like Sen. Murphy remain among the most visible representatives of the Democratic party, it will inevitably go the way of the Whigs,” he said.
Catron continued:
And it gets worse. As it happens, the CNN poll asked Democratic-aligned respondents which leader “best reflects the core values” of the party and the answers suggest it will remain in the wilderness for a very long time. New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came out on top with 10 percent, followed by former vice president Kamala Harris at 9 percent, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders at 8 percent. If these people are the best the Democrats have to offer, the Republican Party has a very bright future.
Catron is right—the Democratic Party appears to be on a path to self-destruction. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has never been more popular. Unlike the bait-and-switch of Biden’s disastrous presidency, Trump is working to deliver on the promises he made to voters on the campaign trail.
While there were many reasons President George H.W. Bush lost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton, the primary factor was the economy. As Clinton’s campaign strategist, James Carville, famously put it: “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Catron is right. The Democratic Party appears to be on a path to self-destruction. In the meantime, Trump has never been more popular. Far from the bait and switch of Biden’s disastrous presidency, Trump is trying to deliver on the very promises he made to voters on the campaign trail.
While there were a multitude of reasons why President George H.W. Bush lost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton, the primary reason was the economy. We all remember Clinton’s campaign strategist James Carville’s famous words, “It’s the economy stupid.”
The U.S. entered a deep recession in 1990. Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and the Gulf War that followed disrupted the oil supply causing prices to spike. More specifically:
In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, leading to the Gulf War and a significant disruption in oil supply, causing oil prices to spike. This increase in oil prices had a ripple effect on the economy, leading to higher costs for businesses and consumers, ultimately contributing to the recession.
The late 1980s saw the collapse of numerous savings and loan institutions, which had made risky investments and loans. This crisis led to a loss of confidence in the financial system and a contraction in lending, further exacerbating the economic downturn.
The Federal Reserve, in an attempt to curb inflation, implemented a tight monetary policy, raising interest rates. This made it more expensive for businesses to borrow money, leading to decreased investment and economic activity.
It didn’t help that George H.W. Bush had campaigned on a firm promise: “Read my lips. No new taxes. And then he raised taxes.
The 1992 election was also influenced by the presence of a third-party candidate, independent businessman Ross Perot, who disrupted the traditional two-party dynamic.
Aside from breaking his 1988 pledge, however, Bush had little control over most of these events.
So, while Republicans are riding high at the moment and Democrats seem lost in a political abyss, the future remains unpredictable—history has shown that surprises are always around the corner.
Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.

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‘Aside from breaking his 1988 pledge, however, Bush had little control over most of these events.’
The entire reason Perot got traction was BECAUSE H.W. Bush was such a let-down.
They elected him because they loved Reagan and what Reagan did. H.W. Bush proved all too quickly he was NOT Reagan.
He badly mishandled the entire Iraq/Iran conflict and the Gulf War was a bad joke that he was responsible for.
All those things fed into people’s dissatisfaction, H.W. Bush was so bad he only got ~70% of the votes in the primary, which was the only real actual contested primary for a sitting Republican President. The only other one was Ford, but he wasn’t a ‘real’ President in that he hadn’t been elected the first time.
H.W. Bush was the only elected Republican President to face a contested primary in the last 100 years. That was a BIG DEAL.
The only reason Perot got traction was so many people were fed up with him, the ‘no new taxes’ was just the rallying cry, but it was used to illustrate that H.W. Bush was just another lying politician.
In my opinion, GHWB’s three biggest mistakes were:
1. “Read my lips”
2. The ADA
3. David Souter
4. Fathering W Bush
For all his faults, W was still better (or far less worse) than either of his opponents (Gore and Kerry).
4a. JEB: “My Daddy was president and my big brother was president. Now it’s my turn, right Mama?”
I am pretty sure that if Dems are prosecuted for their crimes, that they will no longer be viable.
21% has been the bottom number for liberals. The one that would vote for anything with a D behind the name.
If there are not enough of those to win an election any more, they’re not an asset, they’re a millstone.
The Democrats don’t have anyone close to Bill Clinton. Their bench is long but short on talent.
He was, after all, Slick Willy. Nothing could stick to him because no one was able to peruse teh interwebs for info.
He was carefully handled until someone set him up with Monica.
You think someone besides Monica set him up with Monica? I saw the footage — she was eyeing him the way a tabby cat eyes a swallow.
Pun intended.
“Big R Energy” will just never compete.
“Republicans are celebrating…”
Why? What have they done? Oh, you mean Trump? What Trump has done he did in spite of the Republicans.
Don’t confuse the two. If DJT (god forbid) disappears overnight, all the progress we’ve made goes away and the very worst of the Deep State will be every bit our N@z! Party.
A very good point. Left to their own devices, the RINOs will screw up an iron bar.
These same polls show that the majority of Americans also disapprove of Trump and an even higher majority disapprove of his handling of the economy.
It’s different this time because the world is different and those Democrats back in the day did not hate America and were far less supportive of authoritarianism. These are now staples of Democratic politics, condesceningly so. Fewer people buy the fraud that they care and other TDS inspired false and hateful claims.
Watch what happens to ActBlue. One way or the other.
Whenever you think the political Left is beat into submission, remember that the Democrat party recovered from fighting FOR slavery and running the KKK to become the dominant political force for decades.
We have to teach ourselves and our children WHY we should support our social and political causes, and how. This time I think we have a real chance at keeping socialism and it’s inherent slavery at bay, because we are exposing the corruption, and the amazing depths to which the Left has taken our country. When the economy slumps, as it most likely will, we will this time have a REASON for that slump that we can justify. Stopping the theft of BILLIONS of dollars, stopping the support of awful programs around the world, and rearranging out government to empower the people over the NGOs, etc,… those policies and actions are more important than temporary financial discomfort… as long as the results are tangible to the voters, and defended by the local politicians.
The gulf war was just not a good enough reason to tank the economy… and neither was Covid. People remember.
Trump is continuing to troll the Democrats, and I am sure this will continue to happen through the midterms. Trump is not going to let up on his attacks. Unless Trump makes some major mistakes, I don’t see the favorability of Democrats changing before the midterms.
Sorry, but Republicans are WAY over their skis. Dems may have temporarily lost some altitude, but they own the media, academia, judiciary, entertainment, state and federal bureaucracies, etc. Meanwhile, Congress is avoiding doing anything that might cause the MSM to view them unfavorably. I don’t see the Dem- controlled landscape changing much.
Just because Dem voter disapproves of their party doesn’t mean they won’t vote
It was a 51-49 election between R and D votes (roughly) … so landslide in the electoral or not, what the voters give the voters will take away if Rs don’t deliver
Trump is doing a great job but there is still a lot to be done – and he won’t be on the ballot again either.
Key elections in WI and PA this year …
And don’t forget Virginia where we elect the governor and lower house of the legislature in November.
You’re not wrong that the Democrats own the media, entertainment, and the rest… but the question is whether they’re relevant anymore. The media is nearly dead. News channels get fewer views than reruns of Bonanza (and I’m only slightly exaggerating). Entertainment is failing, with woke movies and shows crashing and burning at a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars EACH.
The Democrats failed to move with the times. A Joe Rogan interview is worth more than the entire cable news monolith they own. Their ham-handed messages in entertainment are drawing only laughter and shrugs. (Look at the recent failure of the game “Concord” as a perfect example of this.)
Academia is a millstone around their necks. It’s not Democrat-controlled so much as just pure leftist. So long as the Dems were willing to play along they got support, but colleges work hard to turn out extremists who push further and further to the left… which will be terrible for the long-term survival of the Democrat party. The old dinosaurs like Pelosi and Schumer are dying. They don’t have long, and when they’re gone the party will belong to the likes of AOC, Talib, and Hogg. And the average person isn’t going to like that.
The strongest cards left in Democrat hands are the bureaucracies and the judiciary… and Trump is striking hard at the first. He’s working to cut their base out from under them, starving their web of agencies and NGOs.
There’s a long road ahead and the future is uncertain (I never count the Democrats out), but the times they are a changin’. Conservatives are in a better place than they’ve been in decades.
I like Bonanza. And The Big Valley.
The Dems and Senator Kelly have just added a three-fer in not one standing against the violence against Tesla dealers and owners and Kelly prominently trading a Tesla for a gas-guzzler. They look to be the party of violence, happy to put some average American Tesla-related workers out of jobs and now demonstrating that the “existential threat” of “Climate Change” was a scam eating up a ton of tax dollars. Also, Walz was on TV cheering the drop in Tesla stock, when the MN pension fund owns a ton of it.
Double paragraphs:
“Catron is right—the Democratic Party appears to be on a path to self-destruction. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has never been more popular. Unlike the bait-and-switch of Biden’s disastrous presidency, Trump is working to deliver on the promises he made to voters on the campaign trail.
While there were many reasons President George H.W. Bush lost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton, the primary factor was the economy. As Clinton’s campaign strategist, James Carville, famously put it: “It’s the economy, stupid.”
Catron is right. The Democratic Party appears to be on a path to self-destruction. In the meantime, Trump has never been more popular. Far from the bait and switch of Biden’s disastrous presidency, Trump is trying to deliver on the very promises he made to voters on the campaign trail.”
If Trump were to say “Read my lips, no new taxes” and then sign a big tax increase so the government steals more and still delivers nothing of any worth, then things will reverse.
Today’s Democrats are not the same as Democrats of the 80’s.
The overwhelming reason ‘the moron’ was elected is that he offered white people the last best hope of maintaining their status as the dominant caste.
Earn those nickels, troll.
Brilliant rebuttal, right out of the orange Harvey playbook! LAFFRIOT
I’ve see some stupid trolls post on this site over the years, but you take the cake, Sweetie.
Hey Paula, did you know Haitians were eating pets? All because sleepy Joe had an open border policy. Homan better throw them the hell out!! LAFFRIOT
Oh my! You better run for your life before a hungry Haitian eats you, Sweetie.
Rebuttal to what? Your unfounded opinion? You do nothing but insult people then demand they take you seriously, You are the laughing stock and don’t even realize it.
Your President, Donald Trump, has a higher approval rating than Democrats. I guess even they don’t care about what you post here.
The real laugh riot is everyone laughing at you!
‘not my President’ Orange Harvey has an approval rating of 71. Didn’t you hear? LAFFRIOT
You posted the numbers yourself in another post from the same poll I believe. You know your President is better than the Democrats.
Ah, that got a response out of you, troll. So predictable. Let me ask you something, nickel troll… why should I take you seriously? You’re just here to spew Democrat talking points. You’re barely sentient.
The 1992 election is not a particularly good comparison. In that election, Ross Perot received 18.9% of the vote, running solely on the very conservative position of balancing the budget.
Perot’s votes were more than triple the margin between Clinton and Bush.
It is likely that this was the primary reason Clinton won with 43% (meaning that 57% of voters voted against Clinton).
I wish we could get a 3rd party candidate t be taken seriously.

No, you wish someone would take you seriously.
So, would you say you’re a non-binary voter?
No you don’t. You’re just a Democrat.
Is Charles Cooke a Democrat? Veronique de Rugy? Jim Geraghty? George Will? Dominic Pino? Kevin Williamsom? The folks at Pence?Barr? Milley?Bolton?Grisham? Christie?Cuz all those people agree with ME about Orange Harvey
All 3rd party candidates do is e n able Dems to win!
The Republicans should work to ensure that the citizens are aware of Joe Biden’s betrayal of our country, NATO and Europe by taking bribes from Putin et al. He enabled Putin’s invasion of Ukraine by promising that the USA and NATO wouldn’t interfere with his conquest of Ukraine. Biden deserves prison time for his betrayal of our country. His only defense is that his lack of mental faculties prevents him from receiving a fair trial. However, I expect that Joe studied the gangster who acted mentally incompetent in order to avoid prosecution.
did Trump write shitmess? Sounds like one of his demented tweets.LAFFRIOT
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