Trump Cuts Off Federal Funds to Schools Mandating COVID Vaccine
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Trump Cuts Off Federal Funds to Schools Mandating COVID Vaccine

Trump Cuts Off Federal Funds to Schools Mandating COVID Vaccine

President Donald Trump has cut off federal funds to schools that mandate people take the COVID vaccine.

From Breitbart:

The order would prohibit “federal funds from being used to support or subsidize an educational service agency, state education agency, local education agency, elementary school, secondary school, or institution of higher education that requires students to have received a COVID-19 vaccination to attend in-person education programs,” it reads.

The expected order will also direct newly-minted Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy and the secretary of Education to establish compliance guidelines “and provide a plan to end coercive COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

This would include writing a report about “non-compliant entities” and developing a system to halt federal funding to “educational entities” with coronavirus mandates.

Trump said at various points on the campaign trail that he “will not allow schools to impose COVID mandates” and would “not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate.”

The president and his administration have already taken action to roll back coronavirus vaccine requirements at the federal level.


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Remember children: The liability Trump waived didn’t go away
Shit rolls downhill and in this case lands squarely at the feet of such fascists


Unfortunately he still thinks they saved lives…
They didn’t and they murdered tens of thousands of people , especially the young , with heart disease and turbo cancer

The RFK jr effect ! So this means the whole state of Cali loses funding then, right ?

Pretty sure most headlines will imply this is a ban on all vaccine mandates.
When it’s not, only the Covid shots.

There was no evidence prior to the mandates that healthy kids were in danger from Covid. After large scale vaxing there’s still no evidence that it reduces risks for healthy kids. Statistically, instead there’s a possible correlation with increased unexplained deaths in that population.

We didn’t have to go all Madagascar over Covid, we now know that the “you must all vax and isolate” crowd didn’t do any better than directed intelligent vaxing and isolation. Vax and isolate the already unwell or elderly, vax their caregivers would have worked just as well as panicking and shoveling money into Big Pharma. And everyone who died alone in care (no visiters) or because of fear of Covid would have been better off.

My elder sis died alone in a nursing home with no family because of the panic. My boss’s dad died unnecessarily because after a fall and head injury he didn’t want to see a doctor because of the panic, instead he died in his sleep that night. Never again.

And I’ve already seen multiple posts on X how he’s killing our children by banning vaccinations.

It would be nice if *all* vaxx mandates were eliminated.

At the very least, eliminate immunity for vaxx manufacturers. Any entity that says you HAVE to have your kids get shots needs to get the $#!+ sued of them when the kid gets vaxx injured. That’s the only way these quacks will be forced to make their products truly safe.

    Bad idea.
    No medical treatment, including vaccines, is totally risk free.
    Ex: a very small #of polio vaxed got polio symptoms.
    But rather than 1 in a 1,000 get polio it’s better if 1 in a 100,000 react badly to the vax.
    If The Lawyers get to get rich every time there’s a bad reaction to a med aspirin could either be unavailable or $1 a pill instead of a bottle.

      nordic prince in reply to BobM. | February 15, 2025 at 9:47 am

      It’s a very good idea.

      “First do no harm.”

      Just like with the mrna shots, the manufacturers know the damage their shots cause, yet they continue their full-court press to push vaxxes at every opportunity.

      They’re not innocent. They know the disastrous side effects of their vaxxes, and they take active measures to obscure this. Why do you think they don’t use true placebos in controlled trials?

      That is a fact: instead of using a true placebo (e.g. saline solution), they compare their shots to previous versions of the same shots – thus effectively masking the damage and artificially improving the shots’ “safety profile”….”See? This new & improved vaxx is just as ‘safe’ as the old one!” Not to mention what is really meant when they claim their vaxxes are “effective,” but that’s a whole nother discussion.

      The vaxx manufacturers are full of tricks, and not to be trusted. Profit first and foremost, safety be damned.

      Money is the only language they understand, and the only way to make the vaxxes so they are truly safe is to sue the $#!+ out of them every time a kid gets seriously hurt or killed. No more hiding behind the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, no more kangaroo courts like the vaccine injury courts, no more passing the buck.

      If the vaxxes are as “safe” as these jokers claim, then they have nothing to fear regarding lawsuits.

      Dolce Far Niente in reply to BobM. | February 15, 2025 at 11:53 am

      You apparently misunderstand the vaccine liability issue.

      Manufacturers are on the hook for every other medication EXCEPT vaccines since 1985, when pharma threatened to quit making vaccines entirely if they were not shielded from lawsuits. Congress complied..

      Now, public school attendance mandates childhood vaccinations on the schedule put out by pharma, so you are free to choose to home school or get your kid vaxxed. No other choices exist.

      And particularly the Covid jab, that experimental untested/no published long term data vaxx in a cohort that 99.99% never ever get infected, much less sick? Yes, that’s mandated too.

      Talk about bad ideas.

        This EO specifically addresses the Covid jab.

        Perhaps you could make a case to address mandatory jabbing for one or two other vaccines…..
        However, Measles, Mumps, Polio, a host of other previously widespread childhood diseases, many of them killers, are mostly (outside OC of illegal immigrants bringing them back in) now rarer then hen’s teeth in the US.

        Before the panicked Covid vax response, the criteria has NEVER been that NO bad side effects from a vax are allowable, instead it’s been that a targeted demographic to get the jab must overwhelmingly personably benefit getting the jab as opposed to not getting the jab.

        Moreover, it’s in the Public Interest that reservoirs of serious communicable diseases not be allowed to remain in existence here, if we have the means to prevent that. If (say) diphtheria would kill (say) 100,000 kids a year without manditory vaxing, but the vaxing itself kills or injures 100 kids a year out off the millions who get it, it’s in the Public Interest that lawyers not be able to ding the pharma company one+ million a kid. Even more so given the propensity of lawyers to win damages without having to prove causation, for every kid actually hurt by a med or med procedure there are 100+ kids who had a coincidental problem that lawyers can use to make some Free Money.

        Take Caesarians, I’ve read there is a shortage of docs willing to perform them because if ANYTHING is “off” about a birth result it will be blamed on the Caesarian doc, proof or causation be damned. Suing a vax company because your kid was diagnosed as (say) autistic 6 months after a particular vax at age 4 ignores the factoid the unvaxed kids are diagnosed at age 4 in the same numbers. If a person or especially a kid suffers a harm a jury’s default take is “so, there’s no proof? Well, the company has money, the plaintiff needs money, our decision is obvious, right?”.

        Like insurance companies fleeing California, you can’t MAKE someone provide something the legislatures and the courts have made production of untenable. And unless you want the next several plagues make the plagues of Egypt to look like small beans vaccines MUST be produced.

I has a question.

Who was it who decided to conflate “Covid vaccines are authorized for use on X-year-olds” with “Covid vaccines are medically indicated for (healthy) X-year-olds”? That’s the person who should swing from a lamp post.

Authorization for the use of the vaccines on infants, children, and young adults meant only that they could be administered to those who might benefit from them. It was not a green light to mandate them as a prerequisite to attending a public school or institution of higher learning.

There is no medical reason to give a covid shot to a young child.
Anyone who forces children to get these shots should be criminally liable.

But then again, most of the people who force covid shots think chopping off children’s body parts is okay-because an adult in a position of authority convinces/pressures a child into saying he/she wants that done..

Most European countries aren’t advocating vaccines for healthy young children. In the UK they advise vaccination for kids at 12 years old, I think.

The only logical explanation for the recommendations of vaccinating young healthy children in the US is for pharmaceuticals to make profits.

    nordic prince in reply to bev. | February 15, 2025 at 9:53 am

    Bingo! It’s all about the Benjamins, not only for the manufacturers but also the doctors, who get kickbacks from the insurance companies if a certain percentage of their practice is compliant with the vaxx schedule.

Great! Now, on to any federal institutions that require Gardisil for boys to lose their funding.