Scientists Argue Over Whether Trump is Right About the Existence of Only Two Sexes
“Earlier this month, the presidents of the three scientific societies, Carol Boggs, Daniel Bolnick, and Jessica Ware wrote to Trump to state their disagreement with his order.”

This is what Trump does to the brains of otherwise normal seeming people. If science can’t agree on this, we have bigger problems than we thought.
The College Fix reports:
Leading scientists spar about Trump order stating sex is binary
Prominent scientists are sparring over President Donald Trump’s executive order declaring there are “two sexes, male and female,” with some pushing back on the claim that a “scientific consensus” disagrees with the president.
On one side are the leaders of three scientific organizations – the Society for the Study of Evolution, American Society of Naturalists, and Society of Systematic Biologists – who think Trump is wrong.
On the other are a group of approximately two dozen biology scholars, including noted University of Chicago Professor Emeritus Jerry Coyne. They say sex is binary and scholars who claim otherwise are “[d]istorting reality to comply with ideology,” according to Coyne’s blog “Why Evolution is True.”
Earlier this month, the presidents of the three scientific societies, Carol Boggs, Daniel Bolnick, and Jessica Ware wrote to Trump to state their disagreement with his order.
“Scientific consensus defines sex in humans as a biological construct that relies on a combination of chromosomes, hormonal balances, and the resulting expression of gonads, external genitalia and secondary sex characteristics,” they wrote in a Feb. 5 letter, published on the Society for the Study of Evolution website.
They said “extensive scientific evidence” contradicts Trump’s statement that “sex is determined at conception and is based on the size of the gamete that the resulting individual will produce.”
“Beyond the incorrect claim that science backs up a simple binary definition of sex, the lived experience of people clearly demonstrates that the genetic composition at conception does not define one’s identity. Rather, sex and gender result from the interplay of genetics and environment,” they wrote.
However, the letter angered some scientists who belong to the societies, including Coyne and Luana Maroja, a professor of biology at Williams College.

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Well, seems like the leaders of those “scientific” societies should probably shut down said societies for not fulfilling their mission. And then should probably retire into obscurity, unable to get a job teaching so much as a pre-K class about science.
Here’s the problem (emphasis mine):
the lived experience of people clearly demonstrates that the genetic composition at conception does not define one’s identity
I don’t give a rat’s patoot about their “identity.” I care about their sex when it comes to the things in which we discriminate – sports, private spaces, birth and identity certificates. It’s the same playbook they used with homosexuality – to change it being about something you do and into someone you are. And that’s baloney in both cases – but even clearer in almost all cases with “gender.”
Are there people with genitals off from their genetics? Yes. Are there people who do not fit the XX/XY genetic binary? Yes.
And in all cases, those are anomalies. They should be fixed if necessary. They should not be indulged in such a way as to encourage people to divorce from reality.
(I knew an XXY. (She actually had both sets of equipment, but no viable womb.) She presented herself as female as an adult, but had been raised as a boy. She had issues because of that. She was finally able to afford the surgeries necessary to have her body align, and she got better, mentally. That was an actual gender-affirming surgery.)
^^^ This. In spades. ^^^
47-XXY is generally called Klinefelter’s syndrome and does not (in most cases) result in “both sets of equipment”. Klinefelter’s is pretty rare, with a prevalence of between 1:500 to 1:1000 male births
Examples of people who are educated beyond their mental capability.
I was always cautioned to avoid the “Anatomist’s Creed,” “I’ll see it when I believe it.”
If human remains are found at an archeological site there is a clear scientific test for that person’s sex. There is no scientific test for preferred pronouns.
The term scientific consensus is meaningless. It’s right up there with settled science. Only objective facts matter. Prevailing subjective opinions not so much.
Here is a summary of the last investigation undertook by these wise scientists.
This is a sad situation when otherwise rational people allow their politics to bias their views of science. Sure, a very small percentage of people are born “intersex,” just like a small percentage are born with only one arm. But using that small percentage to say that sex isn’t binary is like saying that humans don’t have two arms.
Intersex people are no exception. They may be (are) phenotypically ambiguous, but are biologically male or female. Consider Imane Khelif. He has a vagina. However, he has no Uterus, Fallopian tubes, or Ovaries. He does have Testis (undescended), XY chromosomes, and male-normal Testosterone levels.
If you are arguing over whether there are 2 sexes or not you are not a scientist, you are an activist.
Most scientists agree with R. Dawkins (a Brit), “sex is pretty damn binary”. Elites have a contrary view because they are either captured or capturing. Consider that prevalence of AFAB and AMAB. Neither is remotely true, but widely used.