Two Muslim Nurses In Australia Suspended for Allegedly Threatening to Kill Israeli Patients
One nurse said if Israeli patients come to the hospital, “I won’t treat them. I will kill them.”

Two Muslim nurses were immediately suspended after a video in which they bragged about killing and refusing to treat Israeli patients in Australia went viral.
Ahmad Rashad Nadir and Sarah Abu Lebdeh were colleagues on night duty at Sydney’s Bankstown Hospital when the video was taken by Israeli influencer Max Veifer and later posted on social media.
In the clip of his face-to-face conversation with the nurses, Veifer remains calm as Lebdeh calls him a “piece of sh*t” and wishes him “the most horrible death.” The two healthcare workers then candidly express their hatred toward Israelis and their intent to kill them—suggesting that Israeli patients have already been murdered in the hospital.
From the video posted Tuesday night:
Veifer: “Let’s say an Israeli …”
Lebdeh: “I won’t treat them. I will kill them.”
Veifer continues: “If an Israeli is in Australia and God forbid something happens to him and he comes to your hospital …”
Lebdeh: “Not God forbid. A help to God.”
Nadir: “You have no idea how many Israeli dog came to this hospital and [hand-motioning to slit his throat] I send them to Jihannom [Hell]”:
Australian Doctors Caught on Video Admitting Israelis Were Killed in Their Hospital
Shocking Footage Shows Doctors Admitting to Murder
For heaven’s sake, please share this.
In a now-viral video, an Israeli joins a live chat, only to find himself face-to-face with two…
— Shirion Collective (@ShirionOrg) February 11, 2025
[Note the two hospital workers were later confirmed to be nurses, not doctors.]
The nurses’ vile threats come amid a surge in antisemitism across Australia following the Hamas terror attack in southern Israel on October 7, 2023. Just last month, as we covered here, a Sidney childcare center was sprayed with antisemitic graffiti and set on fire. And in early December, masked attackers firebombed the country’s largest synagogue in the city of Melbourne. The fire destroyed priceless handwritten Torah scrolls and caused millions of dollars of damage.
The Australian government has faced criticism for its weak response to the ongoing antisemitism. But Veiffer’s video sparked outrage and a swift reaction.
By Wednesday morning the healthcare workers had been removed from their posts and a criminal investigation was underway. At a press conference, NSW Health Minister Ryan Park appeared livid over their “vile and disgusting” behavior. He apologized directly to the Jewish community, promising the nurses would “never, ever work in New South Wales hospitals again.” Susan Pearce, the NSW Health Secretary, held back tears as she addressed the media over the workers’ threats to kill their patients—threats she never imagined in “her wildest dreams.” “At a time of unprecedented antisemitism in our country,” added Health Minister Mark Butler, “this is a particularly sickening video.” And Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who faces an election in May, called the comments “shameful.”
Nadir and Lebdeh are now trying to wriggle out of their comments, reportedly claiming they were a “miscommunication” and “a joke.” No one sees the humor. Nor does the government accept the supposedly “sincere” apology offered by Nadir’s lawyer on his behalf.
Australian police are conducting an extensive inquiry into the records of all the patients they’ve treated, 7News Australia reports, noting that criminal charges against the two nurses appear likely.
Meanwhile, by merely exposing the nurses—working in the hospital, clad in uniform, brazenly threatening to kill their Israeli patients—Veifer told Sky News his mission was accomplished. “We got them.”

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I am shocked that people are shocked by this kind of behavior. Too many have stuck their heads in the sand.
But diversity, equity, and inclusion are marvelous endeavors in the US Healthcare system, don’t you know? If Muslim nurses or other healthcare personnel were to say anti-semitic things like this in the United States, my hope is they would be fired and arrested immediately.
They would be celebrated by the left.
In the USA they would be fired, but it’s doubtful whether they’d be arrested. Unlike Australia we have very robust protection for the freedom of speech, and their words may not qualify as making “true threats”.
Especially since the video that went viral was edited, and none of us have seen the unedited video that Mr Veifer has provided to NSW Police. It’s possible that on viewing these words in their full context there was no “true threat”, i.e. a reasonable person would not assume they actually intended to carry them out.
Certainly the mere expression of a wish to murder, and bragging about having murdered people in the past, would be protected speech here in the USA, and could not lead to the speakers’ arrest.
Even their employment might not have been terminated in the USA; if there was a back-office job they could be transferred to, where their words would not be an impediment to their ability to perform it, then it’s possible they would be entitled to such a transfer rather than being fired. See Rankin v USA
Assuming that what’s written is accurate, you’re correct: it’s not a threat. But it sounds like it could prove to be a confession.
No, it’s empty bragging. It’s unlikely that he’s ever actually killed anyone.
If pressed on why there are Muslims allowed in our country they will find one benign family to tout as truly American. As a group, they offer nothing to better our nation only barbarism and savagery.
Moslems are “allowed” in our country for the same reason that Christians are. The first amendment.
There used to be a law that proh
There used to be a law that prohibited Muslims from coming to the USA. Obama overturned it.
Freydis, if you must tell lies, at least make them slightly plausible. There was never any such law.
“Nadir: “You have no idea how many Israeli dog came to this hospital and [hand-motioning to slit his throat] I send them to Jihannom [Hell]””
That looks like past tense to me.
Nadir is aptly named.
Not only does it look “past tense” to me it looks like an admission of guilt that he actually murdered Israeli patients that came into contact with him at the hospital.
It’s bragging, not an admission. Just as Trump’s bragging to Billy Bush was not an admission of sexual assault.
That they would brag about such a thing is of course disgusting in itself. But it can’t form the basis of any kind of criminal charges.
It’s interesting that the nurse/midwife who blew the whistle on this absurdity appears to be Aboriginal or maybe Māori as well as a proud Christian woman. On social media, she’s also a very vocal supporter of the Jewish people. While the Australian government is oblivious to the scourge of Islamic extremism, there seems to be plenty of Australians who understand it’s an existential threat.
Failure to address this threat will lead to another dark age.
She doesn’t look anything like Aboriginal or Pacific Islander. She looks South Asian, and in fact was born in Sri Lanka.
Perhaps these “healthcare professionals” should enjoy the same treatment they gave their Jewish patients. Slowly. Very slowly.
There’s no evidence (so far) that their boast reflected any actual facts.
For one thing, I think it very unlikely that many (or any) Israeli patients have ever ended up at Bankstown Hospital. It’s not a place where they’re likely to be taken.
Though now that this has happened, some Sydney Jews are starting to wonder whether, if they have to go to hospital, it might not be a great idea to go to Bankstown, since they’d be sure to be treated well now!
Muslims. Total surprise. I bet money they’d turn out to be Methodists!
One will Western countries come to the conclusion that they must have deport all of their Muslim population and send them back to the countries were the Muslims are in a majority? They are not compatible with Western society. Paragraph end of story.
When will …
The answer is never.
The pro-genocide nurses are now avoiding media and have employed lawyers to negotiate with police.
The Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation has released a letter condemning Islamophobia – yes anti-Semitism is bad too but Islamophobia people!
Contrast this with the response to a midwife who complained about nurses and midwives chanting the genocidal ‘from the river to the sea’ while in formal uniform. She ended up with corrective comments placed on her record without her consent, knowledge, or legal right to reply. And when she spoke out on social media, she was threatened with potential legal consequences. Only after gaining legal aid was she able to overturn the gross miscarriage of justice.
So condemning anti-Semitic genocidal comments is bad, calling for the genocide of Jews is … don’t be Islamophobic.
Is it any wonder folk are sick of the Left and their pandering to lunatics?
Australia needs their own Trump.
Muslims are a protected species, who use that protection to dismantle the very foundation of the countries that provide them protection.
White women, watch out.
Look at their eyes. These two ‘health care professionals’ look self medicated to me.
You’ll do and say most anything when drugged.
That drug might be their religion.
Like mrudering people and being dumb enough to brag about it.
No, you won’t say “almost anything”. You will say the things you usually keep yourself from saying.
Did the lose their licenses at least?
From another site:
“In response to the incident, the Nursing and Midwifery Council of NSW has deregistered both Nadir and Lebdeh, effectively banning them from practicing nursing anywhere in Australia.”
I am curious as to whether the heath care regulatory bodies of other Australian states or even other nations reciprocate such bans should they attempt to find work elsewhere.
Oh crap. I mean to leave out Australian states in the above.
My expectation: the nurses will lose their licenses, but won’t be deported.if they are foreign. Australia like most of western Europe, tolerates this kind of behavior, as part of the surrender to Islam. It might take private vengeance to stop Islamic outrages, as governments won’t help.
Before 1965 Australia would not admit non-whites into the country. That’s all changed and the floodgates are open to the Third World. In 1996 Australia confiscated guns. Australia had one of the most severe Covid restrictions. I will not set foot there.
I will not enter any information about religion or ethnicity on any medical form. This kind of thing could happen here too, and it will be covered up.
It absolutely would be covered up here depending on where in the US it happened. Many years ago in Boston I had a Muslim dentist refuse to treat me. You are not allowed antisemitism without “Islamophobia” in the same breath. It’s infuriating to have a real stand a fake one linked . It’s not phobic to be afraid of a real thing namely Muslim violence . I’m not condoning hateful behavior towards Muslims but yeah a realistic and healthy fear is natural given the amount of violence this group of people commit; with no remorse or naval hazing or reformation ; just whining that we even noticed and then calling us hateful for noticing.
“not condoning hateful behavior towards Muslims”
They will eventually change your mind.
They’re both Australian citizens. The woman seems to have been born in Australia, while the man immigrated with his family when he was 12, and was naturalized when he reached adulthood.
But Australia doesn’t have the sort of constitutional protection of citizenship that the USA has. There is such a thing as revoking citizenship, and a small chance that these two (or at least the man) might face that.
Real rocket scientists, these two.
I think you mean Rocket Surgeons!
This is unsurprising to me I’ve been refused service by Muslim doctors and dentists once the see my name ; and honestly I don’t want their treatment if they can’t check their hate at the door. It hasn’t happened to my children yet but they have more anglicized names and appearance than me.
claiming they were a “miscommunication” and “a joke.”
This is called “taqiya.”
What’s incredible is that so many European, leftist dhimmis and American Dhimmi-crats still don’t question the common thread that animates the pervasive Jew-hate and Christian-hate that is unabashedly expressed by Muslims of all ethnicities, nationalities and vocations, across multiple continents. They simply don’t want to acknowledge, confront and criticize the supremacism, totalitarianism, belligerence and pathologies that are intrinsic to the ideology of “Submission.”
That brazenly obnoxious Muslims such as these have been welcomed into Australia and other western democracies, yet, rather than behaving themselves in accordance with their host country’s tenets and values, feel free to spew their evil hatred and threats, and, engage in violence against Jews, shows how pervasive is cancerous dhimmitude in the west.
There already was a Muslim doctor in the U.S. who was caught, several years ago, making similar threats against Jewish patients.
Except that she made those threats not as a doctor but years earlier, before she started college. She was imagining what she would do once she was a doctor, many years in the future. Still, it was enough to lose her her license, because what Jewish patient could ever be comfortable being treated by her?
As on old style Australian, I condemn our gummint for letting a single moozie into the country.
There is no islamaphobia, its called fearing for our history.
Although so called progressives keep shooting themselves in the foot.
Australia now has hate speech laws unfortunately supported by both major political parties, God help us.
My beloved country is a multicultural nightmare.
Thankfully, no, it did not. It caused some smoke and water damage, and a few pages will have to be replaced, but the scrolls will then be usable.