ACLU Lawyer Coins New Term for Females: ‘Non-Transgender Women’
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ACLU Lawyer Coins New Term for Females: ‘Non-Transgender Women’

ACLU Lawyer Coins New Term for Females: ‘Non-Transgender Women’

Science is hard! The lawyer claimed Trump “is targeting trans people by focusing on retrenching this notion of a fixed gender binary at the time of conception.”

ACLU lawyer Chase Strangio, a transgender man, called females “Non-transgender women.”

These activists are doing all they can to erase what we are: FEMALE.

I refuse to even say biological female. I am a female. I do not have to use the word female with any other word.

Strangio went on the leftist web show “Democracy Now!” to complain about President Donald Trump’s executive order stating the government only recognizes two sexes: male and female.

From Fox News:

Strangio complained to show host Amy Goodman that Trump “is targeting trans people by focusing on retrenching this notion of a fixed gender binary at the time of conception.”

While making the case, Strangio referred to biological women as “non-transgender women.”

Trump’s executive order, titled “Defending women from gender ideology extremism and restoring biological truth to the federal government,” clarifies that it is the U.S. policy to recognize two sexes, male and female, and that men and women are biologically distinct, along with addressing how agencies should handle these directives.

One part of the EO directs the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to produce a policy that protects women “seeking single-sex rape shelters” and other intimate spaces, which Strangio objected to.

Strangio claimed this would, “in essence, exclude trans people from various forms of shelter system, under the auspices that a trans person is an inherent threat to non-transgender women.”

After refusing to call biological women “women,” Strangio added that this part of the order “just enhances the risk that transgender people face in society, if we are deemed as a threat to others simply by existing.”


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That’s it. We’ve done it. We’ve finally reached Peak Human Stupidity. Not surprisingly, the milestone was reached by a Democrat who’s not even sure of her sex.

That’s the woman who just was in front of SCOTUS. Strangio indeed. This is an attempt to normalize language for a political end. If you force people to say “non transgender women” then you force them to acknowledge there are transgender women. No, there are not. There are men with a mental disorder that need treatment and it should not be catered to.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 23, 2025 at 11:05 am

ACLU Lawyer Coins New Term for Females: ‘Non-Transgender Women’

This is the second iteration since they have finally realized that their moronic “cis-gender” crap hasn’t made a dent.

This is like “Global Warming”, as it finally morphed into “Climate Change”, which I still cannot believe anyone says with a straight face.

And, just to mention, this ACLU chick is one of the most repulsive humans (I assume) that I have ever seen. Nasty. She should look into fully transitioning into a dog. It would be more natural for her.

    Seriously. She is so Maddow-class ugly that I’d believe the staff at Ulta recommended transing as her best option.

      diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | January 23, 2025 at 1:09 pm

      In Ricki’s defense, she has never claimed to be a man. She is a lesbian but doesn’t push it at every insane uttering she makes when she is on TV. That may be her only redeeming quality

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 23, 2025 at 11:12 am

The real threat that tr@nnies face in society is when they try their hardest to pass for the opposite sex, and then they actually do and fool some guy in a bar into picking them up, and when he finds out his reaction ends being what a normal person would do and what the tran deserves for that deception.

So, the trans cannot really pass for what they want to pretend to be, because doing so is one of the worst sorts of frauds to perpetrate on people and the reaction to someone finding out, the hard way, about it can be justifiably explosive. It puts the trans in a quandry that they refuse to acknowledge.

Outside of that, there are the general pervert trans who have a deep and sick fetish about invading the bathrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex.

    The ones who trans and then claim to be “lesbians” are the biggest cheats of all.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to henrybowman. | January 23, 2025 at 12:17 pm

      They have their cake and eat it too!

      diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | January 23, 2025 at 1:16 pm

      You want a story? Here’s one. Years ago in the small paper plant town up in northern New England I lived in a “couple” of gay guys from down south moved in and got jobs at the mill. Not long after, one of them decided he wanted to be a female and started dressing the part. The crux of the problem was that he informed his partner that although he was now a female he was still gay and would now only date women. After a big fight at a party over this the odd man out tried to kill himself but didn’t get it done, he just partially paralyzed his leg in the attempt. I talked to him all the time at the plant when picking up my load and then one day “Bob” told me he was gay. I knew it already but asked him if he was trying to pick me up because I didn’t roll like that. He said he wasn’t but when the other guys at the plant found out he was gay they wouldn’t talk to him anymore. Too bad because he was actually an interesting and nice guy now leading a very sad and depressed life in a town where no one liked him or wanted anything to do with him. The plant closed down and he moved back south.

        diver64 in reply to diver64. | January 23, 2025 at 1:20 pm

        BTW: the way I found out one of the pair was a tranny is that I was down at the local laundromat in February and this “woman” walked in wearing a mini skirt, heels and flapping an open coat. Northern New England in February is not where you wear stuff like that. I didn’t look too close but when I got back to the yard I told the girls in the office about the rig I just saw and they started laughing then told me it was a guy and what was up.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to diver64. | January 23, 2025 at 1:42 pm

        Not long after, one of them decided he wanted to be a female and started dressing the part. The crux of the problem was that he informed his partner that although he was now a female he was still gay and would now only date women.


        A real method actor, this guy was!

      What do Episcopalians call a budding lesbian non-priest?

      Bishop Budde

      ttucker99 in reply to henrybowman. | January 23, 2025 at 3:10 pm

      I met some people online gaming that were the opposite. They were female, wanted to be male, but wanted to be gay males because they liked oral sex with men. I asked them one day why they had to become men for that because women are capable of it. Their answer was if you are a female and have oral sex with men they eventually want vaginal sex also and it just turns them off. I can’t quite wrap my head around that but there is a kind of twisted logic to it.

It’s an interesting attempt to define the norm. The norm usually has the shortest non-qualified name.

An example that strikes me is the time, when living in Atlanta, I visited a small (let’s call it for the sake of avoiding TOO many qualifiers) Fried Chicken joint where you poured your drinks from urns into styrofoam cups. Your choices were:



Unsweetened Tea.

Made it pretty obvious which Georgians considered the norm.

    diver64 in reply to Hodge. | January 23, 2025 at 11:27 am

    In NC you can get unsweetened tea, tea, extra sweet tea and a few variations of extra sweet. The sweet tea is gaggingly sweet, I can’t imagine what the extra sweet tastes like.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Hodge. | January 23, 2025 at 12:08 pm

    “Therapods” used to be “therapods” and “birds,” “birds.” Now there are the “non-avian therapods” and the “avian therapods.” It works in cladistics, because they’re all “therapods.” It does not work for “transgender women”/”non-transgender women” because only the latter actually includes “women.” It is like calling “whales” closely related to “fish” because of their superficial similarities, rather than separating them by their obvious dissimilarities.

A notion? She obviously didn’t pay attention in junior high school biology class.

BigRosieGreenbaum | January 23, 2025 at 11:36 am

“I refuse to even say biological female. I am a female. I do not have to use the word female with any other word.”
Right on sister!

From now on, I will be referring to trans activists as “non-reality people.”

ACLU: “Move to the back of the bus, sister.”

This is just part of the ACLU’s long-term plan of replacing the Babylon Bee.

Memo for Strangio: If you can only be a male only as long as you have access to your meds, then you ain’t really a male, are you?

Did this person steal its name from an old James Bond novel or is this the simulation breaking down.

Dolce Far Niente | January 23, 2025 at 12:18 pm

This woman who pretends she is a man HATES her female self and despises her innate womanliness. It is not surprising that she wants to verbally denigrate other women who embrace their sexual reality.

I have suspected for years that childhood sexual abuse is behind a lot of these “transgender” mental illnesses, but that is a subject that will NEVER be broached by activists.

As I presently understand (or misunderstand), gender is considered to be whatever a person subjectively wants it to be.

Why is this limited to gender? If a person can be “transgender” then why not also transracial? If, for example, a Caucasian person wants to be (claims to be?) a member of a particular tribe of Native American, shouldn’t the nontransracial tribe members (as well as all others) be legally required to recognize the person as the same as actual nontransracial tribe members? If so, wasn’t Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s claim of being a Native American not only okay, but something that the U.S. gov’t and Native Americans should be required to officially recognize?

Why isn’t the transracial community insisting on adding a new letter to the “LGBTQ…” acronym?

Memo to host Amy Goodman, of “Democracy Now”: In case you hadn’t noticed, “democracy” is how the President who’s enacted this overwhelmingly popular measure came to power.

    Wasn’t a fan, but often watched that show decades ago. Surprisingly still on.
    One should listen to what the Marxists say to see where they are going.

In a way, I feel bad for this obviously severely defective human being. I will still fight back against this ideology; but I do feel bad about what this woman has done to herself. One thing she did not do was to turn into a man. She is just a deformed preposterous human being.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Joseph K. | January 23, 2025 at 1:43 pm

    In a way, I feel bad for this obviously severely defective human being

    She’s a factory second.


Like that’ll catch on.

Who cares what a Marxist says, they love to color the language

The left is really misreading public opinion on allowing dudes, particularly very confused dudes, into women’s spaces. The overwhelming majority is opposed to letting dudes romp in women’s locker rooms, changing rooms, showers and bathrooms.

    jakebizlaw in reply to CommoChief. | January 23, 2025 at 7:57 pm

    This was the most salient sleeper issue during the campaign. It’s why Trump’s they/them ad about Kamala was the most popular.

This statement is obnoxiously evil, in the most despicably and contemptibly Orwellian/Maoist manner possible — defining women, by use of the Dhimmi-crats’ ridiculous and propagandistic lexicon, as being an ancillary and subsumed component of misogynistic and narcissistic male trannies.

Outrageous, vile and offensive.

ACLU Lawyer Coins New Term for Females: ‘Non-Transgender Women’

What do you call females who don’t want to play this stupid game? They’re still called women.

After refusing to call biological women “women,” Strangio added that this part of the order “just enhances the risk that transgender people face in society, if we are deemed as a threat to others simply by existing.”

Well, duh!

Trannys ARE a threat to females in female spaces. That is why everyone objects to this nonsense.

We had this right back in the 1980’s

These people are ‘Trannies’. Full stop.

Trans-anything is a threat to others simply by existing.

Or ask all of us non-retarded people call them, women. The other ones he’s trying to infer are simply mentally ill men

A “transwoman” is a pretend woman. Same for a “transman” being a fake man. Either you is or you ain’t.

I can see why the non-feathered, bipedal primates here might reject “his” characterization of women.