Hegseth: ‘I Support Israel Destroying and Killing Every Last Member of Hamas’
“Senator, I’m a Christian and I robustly support the state of Israel and its existential defense and the way America comes alongside them is great.”
Secretary of Defense nominee Seth Hegseth said he supports Israel.
SEN. COTTON: Big audience here. Many of them seem to be patriotic supporters of you, Mr. Hegseth. Some of them seem to be liberal critics of you. I would note that it’s only the liberal critics that have disrupted this hearing.
As was my custom during the Biden administration, I want to give you a chance to respond to what they said about you. I think the first one accused you of being a Christian Zionist. I’m not really sure why that is a bad thing. I’m a Christian. I’m a Zionist. Zionism is that the Jewish people deserve a homeland in the ancient holy land where they’ve lived since the dawn of history. Do you consider yourself a Christian Zionist?
HEGSETH: Senator, I’m a Christian and I robustly support the state of Israel and its existential defense and the way America comes alongside them is great.
COTTON: Thank you because another protester, and I think this one was a member of Code Pink, which, by the way, is a Chinese communist front group these days, said that. You support Israel in Gaza. I support Israel’s existential war in Gaza. I assume, like me and president, Trump. You support that war as well, don’t you?
HEGSETH: Senator, I do. I support Israel destroying and killing every last member of Hamas.
BREAKING: Senator Tom Cotton asks Pete Hegseth "Do you support Israel's war in Gaza?"
Pete Hegseth: "I support Israel destroying and killing every last member of Hamas." pic.twitter.com/RKSrxVtU5z
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) January 14, 2025
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It’s refreshing to see and hear a nominee for Secretary of Defense that is actually interested in defending the United States.
80% of Arabs posing as Palestinians support Hamas, left unchecked they will quickly recreate Hamas. No one in the Middle east wants them, it is only the West that has, past tense, been willing to take them. We now understand why people in the Middle East do not want them.
oafta … kill them all … salt the earth
with their blood.
Kill all of Hamas to the last man and woman, bury them in a pit with pigs and salt the Earth around them.
Why the pigs? The idea that Moslems have a particular horror of being buried with pigs, let alone that they think this would prevent them from getting their 72 raisins, is unfounded. There is no evidence that they have such a belief, or that such a policy would have any effect on their willingness to engage in jihadi terrorism.
Two points of clarification:
1) The use of the word Moslem as a noun or adjective is outdated and it has been that way since the first half of the twentieth century. The preferred spelling is Muslim.
2) During the Moro rebellion in the Philippines (1899-1913,) General Pershing served as governor of the US occupation of the Moro Province.
“In 1941, TIME ran a letter to the editor from a soldier named J. R. McKey who had served with Pershing in the Philippines decades before. In the letter, McKey describes using pigs in burials to deter Muslim insurgent activities, but does not ascribe the act to Pershing.”
“McKey wrote, “U.S. soldiers … had a pretty good cure for juramentado [Moro swordsmen] activities. Knowing the horror of the Mohammedan for any contact with swine, and particularly with its blood, these American roughnecks, when they had killed a juramentado, held for him a very public funeral. The body of the defunct bad man having been deposited in the grave, a pig was brought, stuck, its blood sprinkled freely over the D B M, the dead pig thrown in with him, and the burial completed.”
1. The article you linked to is AI-generated blather. The switch from “Moslem” to “Muslim” is entirely a matter of PC/woke manipulation, exactly the sort of language manipulation Orwell called out in 1984.
And no, it has not been that way since the first half of the twentieth century. Not even your AI article claims that. It says “Moslem” was correct at that time, but “fell out of fashion” in the second half of the 20th century. Late in the second half, when the left started making people change the language they use, for no other reason than to control them.
There’s never an actual reason for the changes they insist on; the whole point is that by making people change they take control of their minds. And that’s why I refuse to go along. I will not let them change how I speak, without a good reason. It was Moslem when I learned the language, so as far as I’m concerned it’s still Moslem, and when I seem “Muslim” I know I’m dealing with someone who has submitted, and probably also says “Bipoc” and “LGBTQ2SNBAI+” (all the time!).
2. Yes, I am perfectly well aware that, at least according to one report, some US soldiers tried this in the Philippines. But there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that it had any effect. None. There is no evidence Moslems even have such a belief, and certainly not that it deters them. The truth is they don’t care about it. But knowing that you meant it as an insult to their religion would probably further enrage them if that were possible.
It’s nice to see, whether you agree with Pete or not, someone that does not engage in word salad and dance around an answer but is crystal clear on where he stands.
You beat me to it.
Pete has always been a straight shooter. Over 10 years ago, he gave a talk on America losing her sovereignty. He saw it then – NOW he has a way to help real Americans keep it.
As for the Arab Palestinians – remember, Rome named that ground Palestine – but not the people because most of the people who lived there were Jews.
No one in the Arab world and probably the Persian world (Iran) want these Arab-Pa…. to live with them. This subset of Arabs appears to have few if any redeeming traits except to do the dirty work for the Iranians. The A-Ps are fools for subjugating any people, let alone their families and friends to constant war. Gold Meier was right. It is the A-Ps deal to end this multi millennia atrocity. Grow up or get out.
After the 5000+ officers Obama removed, at least one survived the cuts and now, we have him, need him. Wake up Ds, confirm him.
It’s hard to beat a direct, unambiguous answer to a question.
Heck, Pete, don’t flail around the shrubbery. Tell us what you mean.
Unfortunately recent news reports seem to indicate that Trump doesn’t. We’re now informed that Netanyahu has agreed in principle to a disastrous “deal” that will strengthen and entrench Hamas, prevent its destruction, and will release 1000 terrorists, including 200 murderers, and that he’s done so because Trump insists on it and Israel can’t afford to alienate him. This is so contrary to everything Trump has said and done till now that it’s hard to credit, and yet it appears to be so.
Trump is not reliable and never has been. He is only interested in Trump. He uses people. But he was less abysmal than Harris. Hopefully he will at least shut the border.
Me, too!
The ONLY way I would release any terrorists would be for them to have an EXPLOSIVE DEVICE around their necks that could be triggered by ISRAEL due to any slight against any Israeli or property! AND, they would detonate if within 50 feet of ANOTHER released terrorist! I don’t think that Israel should release ANY terrorists – especially any who were on Israeli soil on Oct. 7th!
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