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Students at Indiana U. Required to ‘Reflect’ on How Their Privilege Oppresses ‘Subordinate Groups’

Students at Indiana U. Required to ‘Reflect’ on How Their Privilege Oppresses ‘Subordinate Groups’

“Self-awareness of identity, as well as experiences of privilege and oppression, serve as the basis for understanding the complexity of identity and how you can address issues of oppression”

It’s amazing that some schools are still doing this. They don’t seem to understand that voters rejected this stuff in November.

The College Fix reports:

Indiana U. students required to ‘reflect’ on how their privilege oppresses ‘subordinate groups’

Students enrolled in the Indiana University course “Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society” were required to “reflect” on how their (alleged) privilege “oppresses” so-called “subordinate groups.”

The course purports to “cover theories and models that enhance understanding of our diverse society.”

According to The Washington Free Beacon, students in the class were given a chart (below) with three columns: “Examples of Manifestation of Social Oppression,” along with examples of “dominant” and “subordinate” groups.

Included in the first column are “heterosexism,” “racism,” “sexism,” and “religious oppression.” As such, if one is a straight, white, Christian male, that would be a quartet of privilege.

This final assignment of the course, worth 26 percent of a student’s final grade, mandated a “reflection” on the supposed fact that “each student has at least one identity group that gives them power over their peers and another that leads to their oppression.”

“Self-awareness of identity, as well as experiences of privilege and oppression, serve as the basis for understanding the complexity of identity and how you can address issues of oppression,” the instructions read.

A “submission form” was provided by instructor Colleen Rose on which students could “share concerns” they had about the assignment.

One student in the class related how they had to “make something up” to complete the assignment.

“I’m being punished through an assignment for my identity as a person, and that’s just crazy,” the student told the Free Beacon. “I had to make something up and I don’t enjoy doing that.”


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Is this a required course? If not, and you actually chose this course, why are you surprised? If it IS a required course, I think laws may have been broken…

    Milhouse in reply to vinnymeyer. | December 31, 2024 at 7:30 am

    It’s not a required class.

    The class, “Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society,” fulfills Indiana University’s “social and historical studies” requirement. Other classes that suffice include “Ancient and Medieval Art” and “Introduction to Archaeology.”

Seems to me that ending all of these social justice activism majors and stripping the associated courses of academic credit would be a major step in doing away with this madness.

Students enroll in these courses because they figure they’re easy grades and credits, no doubt consisting mainly of sitting in class and being harangued and lectured at by some purple-haired pseudo academic. Throw in participating in an occasional protest or mostly peaceful riot, and they get credit hours without much a requirement for much actual learning.

Do away with degree programs in “Studies” and disallow academic credit for activism classes like this and students actually seeking an education won’t enroll and the classes will dry up.

Just my opinion, of course, but there it is.