Harvard Law Enrolls Fewer Black Students After SCOTUS Ruling on Affirmative Action
“This obviously has a lot to do with the chilling effect created by that decision”

The racial bean counters on the left are deeply distressed by this news.
Inside Higher Ed reports:
Harvard Law Enrolls Smallest Number of Black Students Since 1965
A year after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled affirmative action in college admissions unconstitutional, the law schools at both universities named as defendants—Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—admitted fewer Black students this fall than in years past.
Harvard Law School enrolled 19 Black students this year compared to 43 last year, The New York Times reported Monday.
“This obviously has a lot to do with the chilling effect created by that decision,” David Wilkins, a Harvard law professor, told the Times. “This is the lowest number of Black entering first-year students since 1965.” That year there were 15 entering Black students, but since 1970 Harvard Law has typically enrolled between 50 and 70 Black students in its first-year class, Wilkins said.
Hispanic student enrollment at Harvard Law declined by four percentage points—from 63 students last year, 11 percent of the class, to 39—while the number of white and Asian students grew.
The University of North Carolina School of Law in Chapel Hill enrolled nine Black first-year students this year—down from 13 last year—and Hispanic student enrollment dropped from 21 to 13.
But Black and Hispanic first-year enrollment declines were less dramatic at other top-tier law schools. And at Stanford Law School, the number of Black first-year students actually jumped, from 12 last year to 23 this year.
Beyond the most selective law schools, Black students are making gains in representation. Across all 198 accredited law schools in the country, data from the American Bar Association shows that the number of Black students who enrolled in law school this fall increased by about 3 percent over last year, from 2,969 to 3,060.
Those national numbers show “there was no meaningful decline,” Richard Sander, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an affirmative action critic, told the Times.

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But they said for all those years that affirmative action students were “qualified” ??
Why would they tell us something that wasn’t true ??
It’s not enough to be qualified, an applicant has to be better than the competition.
I wonder what the pass rates for the bar exam for HLS grads by race were, and how they will compare in three years.
Enrollment numbers are compared. What about application numbers and admittance numbers?
A black who doesn’t gain admittance to HLS will probably be admitted at a lower tier, such as Flagship State U Law.
From what I have read, lower tier law schools do a better job in nuts and bolts law, as opposed to the highfalutin’ theory stuff from the Ivy League law schools. Which leads me to suspect that those who are not admitted to an Ivy League law school have actually been done a favor.
This will definitely have a chilling effect on the quality of the riots.
I guess this means less blacks will be tainted by Harvard Law in the future.
I’ll bet a larger percentage of them make it through to graduation now.
I wonder how many blacks applied to Harvard…