Spotted in Seekonk, Massachusetts, on a car with Massachusetts plates.
I’ve heard Mass residents refer to themselves this way, so I’m not sure if it’s a pejorative or not.
There must be some deeper meaning. On the other hand, …

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Sounds like they’re proud to be big tax and spenders.
They elected the fake Indian so what more can I add?
Seems to fit…
Apparently, when Liawatha left Oklahoma and moved to Massachusetts, the I.Q. in both states doubled.
Wonder what this bumper sticker would look like..
MA Democratic State Rep Allegedly Sent Pictures Of His Genitals wz
You already have it. MASSHOLE.
specific link
Trying to understand the Irish … now there’s an exercise in futility.
I like to remind my Lefty Irish friends that the reason they were under Britain’s boot heel for so long was due to gun control. As rousing it is the sing Rising of the Moon, the reason the moonlight was flashing upon the pikes, is because that was all they had for fighting. Let’s see, the Irish rebels have pikes and the British troops have muskets… That outcome isn’t hard to figure out, is it.
It’s a pejorative alright. I believe that phrase started in Maine where my fellow Bay Staters like to go and drive like they are home. Mainers are very polite drivers. We are not. (Rhode Islanders are even worse). But this phrase seems to have been adopted by a lot of people here with some inexplicable pride.
As we like to say hearabouts… it is what it is.
This always puzzled me when I lived in Mass (not far from Seekonk, btw). Massachusetts natives seem to take pride in being “massholes,” while “new” residents (i.e. anyone not born there of a family also born there) seem to mean it as an insult.
It’s sort of like “Taxachusetts”; locals wear that label like a banner of pride, while “outsiders” tend to be derisive in their use of the term.
And hey, where’s our thumbs up/down button!?
I think Denis Leary, the ultimate Masshole, performed the Masshole anthem, “I’m an Asshole!”
I see this a a clear case of truth in advertising.
When a NH person says it, it’s definitely an insult. 😉
Of course the natives in Taxachusetts are proud of their labels, then again, there’s no accounting for taste either.