The Fate of DEI
My appearance on The Matt Allen Show: Cut off the funding from the federal government and private foundations.

I appeared on the Matt Allen Show on WPRO in Providence to talk about The Fate of DEI now that Trump is returning to office.
I’ve appeared on Matt’s show many times, I like that he has half-hour segments. This time he gave me a full hour, though in radio (and TV) time an hour is not an hour once you subtract out news breaks and advertisements, but it is a lot!
We talked, among other things, about the Op-Ed Kemberlee and I published recently in The NY Post, After Trump’s Victory, DEI Is On Life-Support – Pull The Plug.
Sorry, no transcript (yet), you’ll have to listen. I’m captivating, if I do say so myself.
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Lots of focus required. Hopefully, DJT won’t waste his first two years with a Republican Senate and House.
More like: hopefully, the Republican Senate and House won’t waste Trump’s time!
It looks to be like Trump is gung ho. DEI was an extortion racket, much like the mob selling protection.
TLDL (Too long, didn’t listen) That aside, I would be gratified to see DEI promoters lose federal funding. Can’t stop them from getting private funding from George Soros and other bogeymen but we (taxpayers) don’t have to fund an ideology that is trying to destroy us. We do NOT need to confirm Lenin’s prediction: “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
Well Boeing can finally go from being Stupid, Racist, & Corrupt to just Stupid & Corrupt.
The people who welcomed DEI in are still on Boards and the CEOs, VPs etc are still just as stupid but will find new and fun channels to express their lack of IQ and talent.
If Trump admin does not intervene for Oregonian forestry manager Mike Shaw, then there is nothing dead about DEI.
The idea that the judge will stay this case explicitly or implicitly for as long as Donald Trump is president means that the case will be stalled for as many 4+ years. In other words, DA Bragg and Judge Merchan have a path to avoid appellate review for as long as Trump remains in office.
Among the problems is that the defense attorneys in that case will have to withdraw as at least two of the lead defense lawyers will be out of private practice while they serve in the DOJ.
The Judge needs to rule on the pending motions, which includes setting aside the verdict and granting a new trial. If the Judge attempts to bury his administration of justice through a prolonged stall, Trump needs to seek a writ of mandamus that directs the judge to conclude the case one way or the other..
There are few who think that the verdict will withstand appeal if not in the state courts , then in the federal courts based on a denial of constitutional due process and the denial of a jury trial based on what Alan Dershowitz described as jury instructions that were tantamount to a directed verdict of guilty.
Bragg and Merchan need to man up now that their efforts to use the court as a political weapon has blown up in their faces.
I suspect most of these cases were brought to keep Trump from a second term.
Once that’s off the table, as it is now since he managed to overcome that obstacle, most will fade away from lack of enthusiasm, like some have already (Jack Smith).
In another four years some of the people that pushed them will also have faded away or be onto other things.
It’d not help in this case, but it may call for a Constitutional amendment to thwart and proscribe lawfare, especially that which interferes with elections. The left now considers it one of their tactics.