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African American Studies Prof at Emory U. Says the ‘Confederacy’ Won the 2024 Election

African American Studies Prof at Emory U. Says the ‘Confederacy’ Won the 2024 Election

“It is the fear of what a multicultural, multiracial, multilingual, diverse America could mean.”

Does anyone learn history anymore? And more importantly, how is this person a professor?

The College Fix reports:

‘The Confederacy won,’ Emory professor says of Trump victory

President Donald Trump’s victory is the “last stand of white supremacy,” according to an Emory University African American studies professor.

Professor Carol Anderson, author of “White Rage,” also said “the Confederacy won,” during an interview on Democracy Now!

Trump “advocated” for “racism,” “xenophobia” and “hatred, all wrapped in a sense of honor and gallantry,” Anderson said. This was in “backlash to what they fear was the great replacement.”

“Misogyny” also played a role in Kamala Harris’ loss, according to Anderson.

She said:

I think part of what we’re looking at, because she was explicit about policies, and so the language that she just needs to explain her policies is hokum. It’s that it is — we’re looking at the misogyny and the racism and the fear of what it meant to have a Black Asian woman who’s married to a Jewish man sitting in the White House, that this was not the kind of vision of America that that large swath that voted for Trump believe is America. It is the fear of what a multicultural, multiracial, multilingual, diverse America could mean. It means — and so, you’re seeing the backlash to her very being.

Exit polling in swing states, however, shows Trump has performed well among racial minorities, winning 46 percent of the Latino vote, a record for GOP presidential candidates.

In fact, he won a majority of Latino men in “key states,” according to NBC News. He also won a majority of American Indians.

But, both “misogyny” and “racism” “fuels Trump” and the “MAGA movement,” according to Anderson, who also said the Second Amendment was about slavery. She has blamed “white rage” for the problems in black communities, as well.


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The Gentle Grizzly | November 9, 2024 at 1:13 pm

Okay, I’ll play along, Professor of African American Studies.

Yeas, the Confederacy won. Deal with it.

Does anybody in the African-American studies department remember that the Confederacy were all Democrats, and Lincoln Republicans beat them?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to henrybowman. | November 9, 2024 at 5:08 pm


    Idonttweet in reply to henrybowman. | November 9, 2024 at 8:25 pm

    They don’t remember that the KKK was the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party in the post-Civil War south, either.

    diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | November 17, 2024 at 6:41 am

    In one of the first steps towards abolishing the Dept of Education, Trump should identify every “studies” department at every school getting federal dollars, find out how much those courses and “Professors” cost and reduce the federal money by that amount. Nothing of value is learned in any “studies” classes.

In the U.S., is it the norm for faculty at expensive universities to blurt such histrionic nonsense?

Wasn’t slavery written in to the constitution of the Confederacy?

Wasn’t abolition written in to the constitution of the USA?

How could it be that this place Emory is apparently accredited

How could it be that employers in the USA would hire anybody that had been “educated” at this place

How could it make any sense for Americans to spend money to attend university at a place that employs such instructors

musk is an authentic african american–wonder what he would say about this woman’s ignorant spewing ?

I not even that this is Emory University in Atlanta

A few years ago, I met a 23-year-old who had just graduated from Emory magna cum laude, majored in Spanish. Literally, she acknowledged, laughing, that she could not speak Spanish.

An honors graduate from a place she’d spent about $200,000.

True story. I am not making this up.

(How does this happen? Apparently, almost everything is done via reading assignments and writing assignments. And almost zero emphasis on conversation. Semester after semester. Year after year.)

    henrybowman in reply to Jvj1975. | November 10, 2024 at 7:48 pm

    In the 2A community, Emory is infamous for providing us with Arthur “No I Won’t Show You My Data” Kellerman of “43 times more likely,: and Michael “AFraud-Winning Historian” Bellesiles of “Arming America.”

    diver64 in reply to Jvj1975. | November 17, 2024 at 6:42 am

    I’m not sure why she would laugh about wasting all that time and money to now have a degree where she will be unable to get a job. Why is that funny?

We call them Emorrhoids.