Joe Rogan Endorses Trump After Interviewing Elon Musk
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Joe Rogan Endorses Trump After Interviewing Elon Musk

Joe Rogan Endorses Trump After Interviewing Elon Musk

“Yes, that’s an endorsement for Trump.”

This endorsement would impress me more if Joe Rogan did it at least a week ago.

A clip:

MUSK: Well, I’ll say it again, man, I think this is the last election. If Trump doesn’t win, this is the last election.

ROGAN: I think you’re right. Yeah, I think you’re right. I think people, and a lot of people are waking up and realize that that have been lifelong Democrats. Guys like Bill Ackman.

MUSK: Exactly.

ROGAN: Tulsi Gabbard switched over to the Republicans. There’s a lot of people who, their whole life they’ve been left wing and they realize, like, I can’t do this anymore.

MUSK: You and I used to be Democrats.

ROGAN: Yeah. It’s nuts.

MUSK: It’s nuts, man. And if the Dems won the selection, they will legalize enough illegals to turn the swing states and everywhere will be like California. There will be no escape.

ROGAN: That is so insane.

MUSK: This is the final. This is it. This is the last chance.

ROGAN: Has anybody tried..

MUSK: Go out and vote. Vote like your life depends on it. Vote like your future depends on it, because it does. This is the last chance, man.


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A little late Joe, but as a past Democrat, I know it’s a journey

    Anyone who follows Rogan has seen him gagging down the red pill for quite some time now. He has been at the forefront of the free speech movement…he has nothing to apologize for.

Yeah, a week ago would have been better, but props to Rogan for going public with this endorsement.
I’d imagine Libtard heads are exploding everywhere.

I switched over in 1976. Even that was somewhat late. Hard to imagine what will happen if Harris wins. It will mean the election was rigged. Then it’s time for Plan B.

Dum bass, where were you when it would have mattered?

I get it is a late endorsement and probably moves the needle very little, but what is does do is that it will dominate the News cycle and move the cackling whore off stage.

Rogan’s audience is mostly men. Maybe this will be the kick in the pants that gets them off their lazy ^ss to go vote.

It certainly took him long enough to take that red pill. Remember, this guy was a Bernie supporter

    gonzotx in reply to Ironclaw. | November 4, 2024 at 10:51 pm

    Took all of us a long time, when youve been filled with shit all your life, cleansing is not an over night thing unfortunately

    clintack in reply to Ironclaw. | November 5, 2024 at 6:21 am

    The insane thing is Bernie would have been better than Biden…

    (I still maintain that if the Dems had nominated Bernie in 2016, he would have beaten Trump.)

    diver64 in reply to Ironclaw. | November 5, 2024 at 8:24 am

    I think the final straw was not only Harris’s word salad and being dropped into the race, unelected, at the last minute and then her refusing to go on his show when both Trump and Vance showed up.

      diver64 in reply to diver64. | November 5, 2024 at 8:28 am

      I’ll also point out how critical Rogan was of the lefts attempt to take him out during the Covid crap and then going after Musk when he bought Twitter. Rogan has been quite outspoken about free speech.

Rogans endorsement was great built Clemente’s was sweet

I think Robert Clemente’s endorsement was especially sweet.

“”I’m very proud to be here. For the first time, I had to take a step forward. And it is very important for me to support this man, because I believe tomorrow is a change of time. … The name Clemente, what it means is goodwill and unity. I believe that your team is going to bring it all home,” Clemente Jr. told the crowds. ”

thalesofmiletus | November 4, 2024 at 10:57 pm

It is as I foretold, but a little sooner would have been nicer.

Ty Mary. A little late indeed.

Isn’t living at a pivotal moment in world history grand? I wish that was /sarc but it isn’t.

    henrybowman in reply to alaskabob. | November 5, 2024 at 2:37 am

    I’m tired of “interesting times.” I want the Reagan years back. Competence was valued, sought out, and rewarded; wealth creation up the wazoo; and all the scary commie enemies lived in OTHER countries.

I’m not surprised. Rogan has become increasingly alarmed at the leftward drift of the Democrats and what they are doing to this country.

A day late and a dollar short. So what? Rogan’s endorsement means almost nothing on the eve of the election. Moreover his audience is mostly men, and Trump has the men vote.

Rogan was a Bernie Bro populist and like many of them had much more in common with the populism of the center/right MAGA movement than the wokiesta weirdo leftists who pushed trannies in women’s/girl’s spaces and sports, open borders, soft on crime, bad economic polices, unrestrained govt spending, weak foreign policy. Don’t forget how much influence his own experience during Covid in reacting to the totalitarian Covid Karens likely shaped his and many others views of govt power.

While the ‘official’ endorsement was the day before the election his growing embrace of MAGA and DJT has been clear for some time. Particularly with his interview of DJT which Harris didn’t have the guts to show up for…and everyone paying attention to Rogan saw those events play out in real time. Rogan, like many in the center, was increasingly flabbergasted by how bat crap crazy the d/prog polices became as they allowed the totalitarian wokiesta weirdos to take control of the d/prog party.

Yes, it’s a last-minute endorsement, but by waiting as long as he did he prevented Kamala’s camp and the media from running with, “She wanted to go on Rogan’s show but now that he’s endorsed Trump we know she won’t be treated fairly. She’s got more important things to do than to put up with that. Ditto with Walz.” That would have been the story even if the Musk interview was released earlier on Monday.

E Howard Hunt | November 5, 2024 at 7:41 am

The real reason is Rogan’s personal medium summoned a spirit guide, Jack Ruby, who told him that Jimmy Hoffa had information about the Harris UFO connection that was hell bent on poisoning our water supply.

Do endorsements really matter? No endorsement has ever affected my vote.

However, Rogan’s statement is still really good news because it shows that former democrats and fence-sitters are breaking Trump’s way.

Would anyone have believed 6 months that a women’s collegiate sports team would unanimously endorse Trump? Even liberal feminist Naomi Wolf endorsed Trump.

Nevertheless, election shenanigans are ongoing and widespread in Pennsylvania. Let’s hope that Trump can win without depending on the results of Pennsylvania.

Hell, Musk is under attack again – with the claim that he worked in the country without authorization. So the treat is to remove his citizenship and deport him.

They are attempting to destroy anyone between them and us.

And they call us Fascist.

Florida has begun reporting party affiliation votes, and at 8:40, it’s R+23%

Election Day voting has favored republicans, so Election Day turnout will determine the winner. They are pretty much tied in early voting, nationwide.

The question to be answered is, did Republicans just vote early, or is Republican turnout going to be higher.

    It is my opinion/hope that Republicans are pissed off and Republican total turnout is goingto be higher. I also suspect that the percentage of each partys vote that the candidate gets, as opposed to a crossover vote, will be better for the Republicans. The bases for my view are many, but one sticks in my mind, the iconic image of Trump getting shot in Butler PA.

I was just at the polls in my little corner of the world handing out information. I can tell you that in my Majority minority county which always votes Democrat there were few minorities showing up to vote and an overwhelming number of Republicans. In our county this election Republican turnout is up 5% and Democrat is down 10%.

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 11:00 am

in some areas of the country actual dem voters dont need to show up