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House Republicans Release Damning Report About Antisemitism on College Campuses

House Republicans Release Damning Report About Antisemitism on College Campuses

“they argue that antisemitism has engulfed college campuses”

The reality of this situation is much darker than most Americans realize.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

House Report on Campus Antisemitism Details Need for Colleges to ‘Restore Order’

House Republicans lambasted private elite colleges and some state flagship universities for how they’ve handled pro-Palestinian protests in a new report in which they argue that antisemitism has engulfed college campuses and administrators prioritized “terrorist sympathizers” over the Jewish community.

In the scathing 325-page report released Thursday, Republicans on House Education and Workforce Committee detailed the findings of their yearlong investigation into antisemitism at 11 colleges. Most of the findings reiterated many of the same points they’ve been making publicly since Hamas’s attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.

Jon Fansmith, senior vice president for government relations and national engagement at the American Council on Education, said the report is a “wholly partisan effort” that wasted a significant chance for productive analysis.

“We had an opportunity through hearings, and now through 300-plus pages of report language, to look at, what are solutions? [To] identify problems, identify best practices [and] think about ways to actually directly help students, especially Jewish students,” Fansmith said. But the final report is merely a continuation of the same script, and “it’s unfortunate,” he added.

Other higher education experts and lobbyists say the report demonstrates the weaponization of antisemitism and overlooks the fine line between protecting free speech and civil rights. They also questioned the role of the federal government in overseeing colleges.

“This report is further proof that the House Committee is attempting to harness these painful divides to interfere with, undermine, and delegitimize American higher education in the minds of the public,” American Association of University Professors president Todd Wolfson said in a statement to Inside Higher Ed. “Government interference with higher education is a perilous path and this must be a moment of clarity for faculty, staff, and students on our campuses.”


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Jews ought to just take a year’s Leave Of Absence from all American colleges.

They won’t. But they ought to.

Blacks in Montgomery, Alabama would still be setting in the back of the bus if they hadn’t taken a year off from the local municipal bus service.

    stella dallas in reply to R676. | November 4, 2024 at 10:31 pm

    Jews ought to stop voting for Democrats. But they won’t.

      Yes. Allie Beth Stuckey recently published a book, TOXIC EMPATHY, which addresses this phenomenon in Christians.

        destroycommunism in reply to R676. | November 5, 2024 at 11:06 am

        the church has alwaysssss been left wing

        there are of course moments that belie that ,like anything else

        but they have always *confused* jesus loving actions as a call for that socialist state

          henrybowman in reply to destroycommunism. | November 9, 2024 at 6:14 pm

          They’ve never been able to figure out that the virtue of charity is in giving your own money to the needy… not in taking other people’s money to give to the needy.

          I’m reminded of a very old joke about the Scotsman who erroneously put a £10 note into the collection basket instead of the £1 he intended. After the service, he approached the pastor to ask for a do-over. The pastor told him he wasn’t allowed to do such things, for obvious reasons. The Scotsman reflected, “Well, at least I’ll get £10 of credit in heaven.” “Nay,” said the pastor, “ye’ll get £1 of credit. The rest be just velvet unto the Lord.”

retiredcantbefired | November 4, 2024 at 2:35 pm

Government interference with higher ed has been going on … how long?

Speaking of anti semitism, get a load of this course for spring 2025 at Cornell in the department of American Indian and Indigenous Studies program.

AIIS 3500 Gaza, Indigeneity, Resistance
Course description:
The first half of the course will be devoted to situating Indigenous peoples, of which there are 350,000 globally, in an international context, where we will examine the proposition that Indigenous people are involved historically in a global war against an ongoing colonialism. The second half will present a specific case of this war: settler colonialism in Palestine/Israel with a particular emphasis on what the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has termed a “plausible genocide” in Gaza.

Seems to me the resistance in the course title gives the game away. I guess you have to join the modern day KKK and wear the modern day hood, a/k/a keffiyah, as a prerequisite.

    OldProf2 in reply to MIK. | November 4, 2024 at 4:29 pm

    The Jews are the indigenous people of Palestine, proven by the ruins of their 4000-year-old temple. They were chased out by the Romans along with other Palestinians. Leftists used to back “the indigenous right of return,” only not with the Jews.

    N.G. in reply to MIK. | November 4, 2024 at 5:55 pm

    Unfortunately, Jews at Cornell in 2024 are behaving the same as Jews of Berlin in 1934.

    N.G. in reply to MIK. | November 4, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    Obviously, whoever is running that course is Hamas on the Cayahuga. Literally. Whoever is running that course is not interested in academic discourse. Shame on Cornell’s administration and faculty for allowing it. Shame on the accreditation authority for allowing it.

“House Republicans Release Damning Report”
Just get to work, you slackers.

So the Ivy in NYC is Bir Zeit on the Hudson. The one in Ithaca is Hamas on the Cayahuga. I guess the one in Boston is Al Quds on the Charles. The one in Philly is Al Najah on the Schuylkill. Other suggestions?

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 11:16 am

until otherwise shown

stefanik is to be considered a real hero to america

Alaska Four 9 | November 5, 2024 at 2:56 pm

I saw a lot of UCLA in the report, but a quick search for UNC, Chapel Hill, and North Carolina came up empty. Some serious antisemitism there.