‘Despicable Lie’: No, Trump Didn’t Suggest Someone Fire Upon Liz Cheney
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‘Despicable Lie’: No, Trump Didn’t Suggest Someone Fire Upon Liz Cheney

‘Despicable Lie’: No, Trump Didn’t Suggest Someone Fire Upon Liz Cheney

You cannot hate the media enough.

The media has always twisted former President Donald Trump’s words against him, more so than any other Republican.

It’s only gotten worse since he faced two assassination attempts because he blamed the left’s rhetoric.

Well, now the media wants everyone to think Trump suggested someone fire a gun at Liz Cheney.

What was the full quote?

Trump calling out Cheney and her family for being war hawks, which they are.

They love war. They want us in war because it makes them and their buddies rich.

Here’s the full quote. Trump challenged Lizzy to go to war herself and experience what soldiers face on a daily basis.

It reminds of the song “B.Y.O.B.” by System of a Down. It’s an excellent anti-war song.

Two parts always hit me hard. Here’s the first:

You depend on our protection
Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth


Why don’t presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?


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As my late father said, a half truth is the blackest sort of lie. If these people told the whole truth they’d have nothing.

Seems to me that Trump saying “see how she feels when the rifles are pointed at her” could just be referring to the assassination attempts her lies and hatred have generated.

    StillNeedToDrainTheSwamp in reply to Crawford. | November 1, 2024 at 10:54 am

    Reading comprehension a strong point for you?

      Actually, yes, it is. I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy 45 years ago at age 9. I’m a voracious reader.

      Did you miss the words “seems” and “could” in my comment? I was pointing out that Cheney’s evil crusade against Trump has prompted the unstable to point real-world rifles at President Trump. I’m sorry I used such complicated syntax.

    CommoChief in reply to Crawford. | November 1, 2024 at 2:44 pm

    Not in the context of the ongoing discussion of Cheney as an advocate of forever wars and the enrichment of her crony capitalist war profiteer backers.

I wonder if Liz’s feelings would differ were it eight barrels.

Quoting Slipknot. Referring to System of a Down. Mary Chastain: secret metal head.

He should have wondered how she would feel if she ever went hunting with her father, another notable chickenhawk.

Maybe she needs to go hunting with her dad to really feel it.

Of course he didn’t. However, I agree with the sentiment that politicians who supporting sending our youth off to war should be required to serve in the front line of the vanguard of the first combat action.

    CommoChief in reply to Ironclaw. | November 1, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    Politicians hide themselves away
    They only started the war
    Why should they go out to fight
    They leave.that role to the poor

    Those verses of War Pigs by Black Sabbath seem to sum up the views of neocon forever war hacks like Cheney or Victoria Nuland. Lots of people want the US military or other military forces to go to X and do Z but they declined to join the military themselves or even serve as USO volunteer in support of those that did. They better hope the following set of verses also from War Pigs, doesn’t occur…

    Day of judgment God is calling
    On their knees the war pigs crawling
    Begging mercy for their sins
    Satan laughing spreads his wings

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 1, 2024 at 2:42 pm

This is one of the most pathetic of lies. You would not think that any adult would even try to get away with saying obviously ridiculous stuff like this in public … but we are going on YEARS of hearing leftists constantly say these sorts of idiocies and people in power actually pretending that they aren’t the dumbest and craziest people who have walked the Earth … I mean, this is all from the same perverted retards who have been claiming for years, now, that a guy can become a girl just by saying so and clicking his heels three times – and then acting on that insanity by pushing this demented idea (and accompanying radical mutilation) on the most impressionable and defenseless of children – children who are forced to be present in the crazy public schools employing these sex offenders and sadists and holding the poor children hostage in the “classes” of these idiot savages.

This population is the sickest and craziest ever. EVER. We are going to be a cautionary tale (and the butt of well-deserved jokes and mocking) for thousands of years into the future (assuming that these same deranged retards don’t get us all killed in WW III they have been pushing for over the past 10 years.

destroycommunism | November 1, 2024 at 5:29 pm

was this after or before he put her in the internment camp???

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 2, 2024 at 1:05 am

You cannot hate the media enough.

Very true, but the sad fact is that the only ones who ever attacked them were the Pantifa clowns, when they pelted the CNN building in Atlanta and tried to set it on fire (and partially succeeded).

When Kamala’s campaign has nothing good to run on, lies, distortions and slurs are all that’s left. Willful gaslighting by the dinosaur is also in full throttle.