MSNBC had to Mention Trump’s MSG Rally With the 1939 Pro-Nazi Rally
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MSNBC had to Mention Trump’s MSG Rally With the 1939 Pro-Nazi Rally

MSNBC had to Mention Trump’s MSG Rally With the 1939 Pro-Nazi Rally


Former President Donald Trump has faced two assassination attempts.

One person hit Trump. The second man never had a chance, thank goodness.

Instead of backing off the rhetoric, MSNBC continues to drag Trump through the mud with comparisons to Nazis.

You know, if Trump hadn’t faced those assassination attempts, I would laugh and brush it aside.

I would also do that if no Holocaust survivors or Jews attended the rally.

But hey, nothing matters anymore. Trump is *literally* Hitler or something.


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The visuals and atmosphere are the same, so if you’re going to mention it, this is the place.

On the plus side, it’s a pro-Trump rally in NYC.

    Obie1 in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 9:19 am

    So you were at both, which would be the only way you could make the above claims. And of course, the rally 85 years ago was one of Democrats.

    Johnny Cache in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 9:31 am

    what is wrong with you?

      rhhardin in reply to Johnny Cache. | October 28, 2024 at 9:49 am

      Nazism was based on common virtues, love of family and country, protection of animals, etc. In short, virtue that goes public. Something you find in the left mostly today. Hannah Arendt said that there’s nothing special about the German character but it’s just that virtue that goes public turns into the worst sort of evil.

      What is the rally about? Almost the same thing, various public virtues.

      That’s not a good or bad sign but it’s a similarity. Watch out that private virtues don’t get suppressed, is all.

        Crawford in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 9:52 am

        You are both wrong and disgusting. Go someplace you can be with those like you — Stormfront or Democrat Underground.

        mailman in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 10:20 am

        If you knew anything about actual history you’d understand that Nazi’sm was about control. Absolute control of every aspect of life. It was definitely NOT about freedom and had absolutely nothing to do with protecting animals (f98k knows where you got that one from 😆😆).

        Guess which political party is all in on absolute control of every aspect of life?

        [Narrator] It is not the Republican party.

          rhhardin in reply to mailman. | October 28, 2024 at 11:11 am

          Hermann Goehring was the head of the Tierschutzverein, the humane society.

          mailman in reply to mailman. | October 28, 2024 at 12:15 pm

          You’re telling me a Nazi was in CONTROL of a German organisation 🤔😂😂

          paracelsus in reply to mailman. | October 28, 2024 at 12:52 pm

          paracelsus in reply to rhhardin:
          Tierschutzverein: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
          I guess Hermann Wilhelm Göring never took a tour of the camps
          or, perhaps, he believed Jews, gypsies, etal weren’t even animals

          nordic prince in reply to mailman. | October 28, 2024 at 2:37 pm

          And Big Brother had the “Ministry of Truth” which, despite its moniker, had nothing to do with “truth.” Just because the Nazis called it the Tierschutzverein doesn’t mean it had anything to do with protection of actual animals.

          With propagandists there’s a huge difference between what a thing is called and what it actually is.

          henrybowman in reply to mailman. | October 28, 2024 at 3:27 pm

          Ha ha! Just like our own “PETA,” which kills almost all of the animals received at its “shelters.”

          rhhardin in reply to mailman. | October 28, 2024 at 3:48 pm

          It’s even on wiki

          There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany[1] (German: Tierschutz im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland) among the country’s leadership. Adolf Hitler and his top officials took a variety of measures to ensure animals were protected.[2]

          Several Nazis were environmentalists, and species protection and animal welfare were significant issues in the Nazi regime.[3] Heinrich Himmler made an effort to ban the hunting of animals.[4] Hermann Göring was a professed animal lover and conservationist,[5] who threatened to commit Germans who violated Nazi animal welfare laws to concentration camps.[5] In his private diaries, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a vegetarian who was contemptuous of Judaism and Christianity for the ethical distinction they drew between the value of humans and the value of animals;[6][5] Goebbels also mentions that Hitler planned to discourage slaughterhouses in the German Reich following the conclusion of World War II.[6] Moreover, animal testing was permitted in Nazi Germany.[7][8][9]

          The current animal welfare laws in Germany were initially introduced by the Nazis.[10]

        I know what you’re attempting to do here, and I almost sympathize with a tiny bit of it. Almost. Time magazine made lil mustache man its ‘person of the year’ back in ’38’, and for good reason.

        Then bestowed it on Stalin in ’39 (six years after the holodomor – 6 million Ukrainians starved to death).

        People still name their kid ‘Joe’, but for some odd reason no one names their boy ‘Adolph’ anymore.

        Early ‘family values’ naziism went horribly off the rails. Good riddance. Communism started off the rails, but the commies have a better PR dept. in the West than the nazis. That probably explains why all the kiddies think commies are just so darn fair and loveable…

        Dimsdale in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 1:41 pm

        “Nazism was based on common virtues, love of family and country, protection of animals, etc. In short, virtue that goes public. Something you find in the left mostly today.”

        So the left are Nazis. I had them more pegged as communists, but I can accept this too.

          rhhardin in reply to Dimsdale. | October 28, 2024 at 2:47 pm

          I agree that that’s their failing. Belief in public virtue. Another example would be Romney. Public virtue. It’s pretty universal.

          Where in fact at every instant you’re responsible to the other guy, which is what public virtue lets you avoid.

          Milhouse in reply to Dimsdale. | October 28, 2024 at 10:10 pm

          The difference between the communists and the nazis was like that between the Calabrian and Sicilian mafias, or between the Bloods and the Crips. They were competitors in the same market.

        Johnny Cache in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 6:13 pm

        When I think Nazi I always think – love of family and animals.

        You know, sometimes it’s OK to keep your mouth shut.

      Ghostrider in reply to Johnny Cache. | October 28, 2024 at 10:52 am

      What is wrong with him? He is obsessed with being the first to comment on a new post because he likes setting the tone and controlling the narrative. To him it’s a game.

    mailman in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 10:18 am

    Wait until you see the visuals of Kamala and her brown tunic from the weekend. Now THATS some ACTUAL Nazi comparisoning I cant wait for you to draw on 😆

    guyjones in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 11:07 am

    In your warped and dim-witted mind, a Nazi rally held in the early 20th century, and, one held by a former GOP president, and, current GOP presidential nominee — the first U.S. president with Jewish relatives, and, the staunchest, most unabashedly pro-Israel president in U.S. history — actually bear similarities in theme and tone.

    You are off your rocker and meds, as usual.

    Dimsdale in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 1:39 pm

    Actually, the 1993 DNC convention was held at MSG as well.

    Do the Democrats qualify as Nazis now too?

For a Nazi themed event, put up a photo of Biden’s ‘Reichstag Speech with its dark shadows and military member in the back ground..

    rhhardin in reply to Whitewall. | October 28, 2024 at 9:53 am

    What’s important about Biden’s Reichstag Speech is the scapegoating. This group is responsible for why we don’t have perfection yet. Biden is in favor of perfection though. We just have to get rid of these guys.

      Whitewall in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 10:00 am

      Good point. The final scapegoat is and was always the Jews. Biden didn’t get to them but the DNC field operatives have done it.

      Dimsdale in reply to rhhardin. | October 28, 2024 at 1:44 pm

      Actually, Biden is big on scapegoating Pres. Trump and separately, white nationalism.

      So the Biden “red” speech was probably the closest thing to a Nazi rally with the symbolism, soldiers and deranged old man.

      Just missing the moustache….

It looks like MSNBC has decided that journalistic integrity is totally overrated.

Maybe they should consider a “War of The Worlds” theme, with DJT controlling the spaceships. Something like that could really put Kamala over the top with swing voters.

The 1939 rally was a Nazi Rally. The pro makes no sense.

The Nazi party was very fond of U S liberal policies from religious hate to genocide all came from the “joy” party.

Being reported here that some comedian made a rwwaaaaacist joke that was sooooooo rwaaaaaacist his words couldn’t be be reported by the media (so you cant make your own mind up) BUUUUUT just trust us people, when we say his words were rwaaaaacist we mean really, reeeeeeally rwaaaaaacist!! So rwaaaaacist we can even report his mean rwaaaaacist words to you least it offends your sensitive leftist ears!!!

Whats even worse….is supposedly, so the media tells us, some unnamed Trump party official has distance themselves from these incredibly hurty rwaaaaacist words 😆 Its like these people have never actually ever spoken to anyone in the Trump campaign! 😆😆

Meanwhile back in the real word where people aren’t insane the guy was taking the piss out of the reporting of what a sh1t hole Puerto Rico is with their mountain of trash challenges.

Perhaps they’ve forgotten which party it is that built concentration camps in the United States. I think it would be more apt to compare Clinton’s 1992 DNC to the 1924 DNC, aka the Klanbake

I’m so disappointed that Donald Drumpf did not lead the crowd in the ritual singing of the Horst Wessel Song.

So 5 people saw this? MSNBC has a viewership of 2. Its like a little kid having a meltdown.

Most young adults have no clue to who Hitler is or what a Nazi is.

    henrybowman in reply to MarkSmith. | October 28, 2024 at 3:31 pm

    Of course they do. It’s anybody on the ballot with an R next to their name. Their government school taught them that much.

2nd Ammendment Mother | October 28, 2024 at 10:46 am

Is it just a complete failure of our education system that a key contextual detail missing here? In 1939 the US stance regarding Germany was Isolationist and the European stance was appeasement. The current connotation of Nazism was still several years away.

No I don’t agree with that description of Trump’s rally…. otherwise we need a new look at Elton John….. how many shows did he sell out in the Garden?

Antifundamentalist | October 28, 2024 at 11:13 am

They never want to mention that the Nazi party was Socialist.

    destroycommunism in reply to Antifundamentalist. | October 28, 2024 at 11:25 am

    you have to read the hoops lefty jumps through to distance that fact from the agenda of the life

    uh …..hitlers socialism was not like socialism as we know it today,,,they spew and on and on they teach the children

destroycommunism | October 28, 2024 at 11:23 am

b/c only blacks are allowed (b/c of the threats and the reality of violence) to be the victims


If you love your country, you are literally a Nazi.
If you hate your country? Come here, you brave and stunning Patriot!

    Dimsdale in reply to scooterjay. | October 28, 2024 at 1:53 pm

    I will take nationalism over the antinationalist, unpatriotic betrayals of the country that the Democrats are so fond of.

But of course no mention of the 100th anniversary of the 1924 DNC “KlanBake”

CaliforniaJimbo | October 28, 2024 at 11:51 am

The building where the rally was hosted was built in 1968. (Much later than the nazi rally).
Crickets from the media.

nordic prince | October 28, 2024 at 1:14 pm

The MSM can’t resist poisoning the well, can they?

Theory: Harris campaign pollsters believe they cannot at the race card. The Hitler card is therefore their Heil Mary.

Paranoia: The Washington not-Redskins won yesterday on a Hail Mary.