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Pennsylvania County Discovers 2,500 Possible Fraudulent Voter Applications

Pennsylvania County Discovers 2,500 Possible Fraudulent Voter Applications

That’s 60% of the applications the county received “last week at two separate times” just before the registration deadline.

Officials in Pennsylvania’s Lancaster County flagged 2,500 possible fraudulent voter applications.

That’s 60% of the applications the county received “last week at two separate times” just before the registration deadline.

From WGAL:

The detectives in the DA‘s office are investigating the fraudulent voter registration forms. Adams said they stem from a canvassing operation in the summer at various shopping centers, parking lots, parks and other areas. The investigation involves around 2,500 voter registration applications dropped off last week at two separate times, shortly before Pennsylvania’s voter registration deadline.

Adams said of the ballots that have been examined, 60% were fraudulent. She said the remainder should be examined by the end of Friday.

“Staff noticed that numerous applications appeared to have the same handwriting (and) were filled out on the same day,” Adams said. “The confirmed indicators of fraud that detectives came across were inaccuracies with the addresses listed on the applications, fake and false personal identification information, as well as false names. Also, applications that had names that did not match the provided Social Security information.”

Election board commissioner Josh Parsons said “it appears to be an organized effort.”

Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams told the press she is “aware of at least two other counties conducting similar investigations.”


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Trump has always been right that the 2020 election was stolen. In the middle of Covid, they got away with it. There is zero chance this massive effort is brand new. PA has 67 counties, @2,500 each is 167,500 votes (that appear in boxes in the middle of the night).



destroycommunism | October 25, 2024 at 2:30 pm

one person one vote has become the white mans privilege trope…per lefty

the excuse that its ok to mail in ballots b/c the military does so etc is just more of the same:

the gop allowing the lefty to control the narrative

election day IS THATTTTT day

every government /tax funded bldg in a town can open up and host the voters with vote watchers/counters right there!!

the left creates the chaos and we are forced to hold onto the rope in the
quicksand they have provided

whats it going to take to stop these new redcoatedswastikalovinghammerandsicklecellpos!????!?!!??!

in the summer
dropped off last week
Oh yeah, there’s no way THAT is fraud. No, it doesn’t smell like month old fish in a beach cabana, nosirree. Not one little bit.

mailman | October 25, 2024 at 2:54 pm

I wonder which political party those ballots were cast for? 🤔 I’m guessing we will never know 🤷‍♂️

    JohnSmith100 in reply to mailman. | October 25, 2024 at 3:32 pm

    I think we all know.

    Milhouse in reply to mailman. | October 27, 2024 at 7:37 am

    What ballots? These are registrations, not ballots.

    Voter registration fraud is common, and is not the same thing as voter fraud. The victim of registration fraud is not the public, but the organization that paid for the registration drive. We don’t know what its political orientation might be, if any.

    Unless you want to claim that Republican-leaning organizations never run voter registration drives, or never run them with paid workers. We know that’s definitely not true in the case of signature drives, and it’s unlikely to be true in the case of registration drives either.

    The forgeries are done by the workers who are paid by the number of registrations they turn in, not by the number that are accepted; they expect that the false ones will be rejected, and there is no intention of their ever resulting in an opportunity to cast a fraudulent vote.

CommoChief | October 25, 2024 at 3:28 pm

That’s gonna be one hella long sentence if those charges are made and the convictions run consecutively…assuming that arrests are made, the offenders prosecuted and convicted and sentenced.

That just can’t be true. All of the Democrats on TV have assured me that vote fraud is a myth and no one would even try and there is no evidence that it matters at all.

    Milhouse in reply to Martin. | October 27, 2024 at 7:38 am

    This is not vote fraud. And Democrats have never denied that registration drives as well as signature drives often fall victim to fraud by the workers they hire.

inspectorudy | October 25, 2024 at 4:02 pm

I just saw a cnn piece about nuns being accused of voter fraud. What it actually was, was their address being used on fake ballots. That new computer program that compares ballot addresses immediately shows fake places such as vacant lots, commercial buildings, and many ballots coming from the same small house. None of the blue states will allow it to be used on their rolls.

JohnSmith100 | October 25, 2024 at 4:05 pm

I have said many times that we will have a lot of Dems incarcerated if they get what they have coming. It is likely that there will be many RICO cases. Prosecuting so many will be a burden, but worthwhile.

Those are just the ones they wanted you to find…..

destroycommunism | October 25, 2024 at 5:17 pm

They did not name the organizations.

That’s 1 County out of 67, and bet the likes of Philadelphia County its quite massive.
That’s why I have doubts Trump can beat the fraud if they don’t get a handle on it.

MarkSmith | October 25, 2024 at 6:23 pm

Wayne county Mich did like 60k between July 2020 to Nov 2020. They avg 2 k per year normally.

Subotai Bahadur | October 25, 2024 at 6:32 pm

What you do not hear is the sighs of relief by the Left that the rest of the false ballots were not found.

Subotai Bahadur

tbonesays | October 25, 2024 at 6:52 pm

Who had the bright idea to register voters from an interested third party with no ID or verification?

    Milhouse in reply to tbonesays. | October 27, 2024 at 7:42 am

    Every voter registration drive does this. There is no requirement to check ID, so nobody does. And voter registration drives are a standard part of how elections run, and all kinds of organizations run them, some with a political orientation and some neutral. Some use volunteers only, but many pay their workers.

Here’s my early prediction on the U.S. Pres. race: I’m calling PA for Harris/Walz.

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