Brown University Sends Sternly Worded Letter to Campus Protesters
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Brown University Sends Sternly Worded Letter to Campus Protesters

Brown University Sends Sternly Worded Letter to Campus Protesters

“incident involving protesters banging on windows and yelling profanities at a vehicle”

This is so lame. Does anyone at the school really believe this is going to make any difference?

WJAR News reports:

Brown University administration addresses ‘concerning behavior’ at campus protest

On Sunday, a letter from Brown University administration was sent to address “concerning behavior” at a recent campus protest.

It comes less than 48 hours after students and staff gathered to protest the university’s decision not to sell investments tied to Israel.

On Friday, demonstrators with the Brown Divest Coalition hosted a passionate protest against the Brown University Corporation.

Two days later, students and staff received the email with the subject line,”Friday’s unacceptable protest behavior; community standards”.

The letter was signed by Russell Carey, the university’s interim vice president for campus life.

It detailed an incident involving protesters banging on windows and yelling profanities at a vehicle.

A video shared on social media by the Brown Divest Coalition shows rallyers gathering around a university bus, purportedly transporting members of the Brown Corporation.

A spokesperson for the protesters said they would seek out Brown Corporation officials when interviewed Friday on NBC 10 News.

“So, today ,” explained Niyanta Nepal, a Brown Divestment Coalition spokesperson, “our plan is, up until the end of their working day where they’re here making decisions as a corporation, we’re going to be there we’re going to be following them.”

The letter goes on to describe “intimidating and threatening behavior” that may face disciplinary sanctions as they’re reviewed by university staff.

Kenneth Kalu, a member of Students for Justice in Palestine, said a more constructive route would be to simply address the students involved themselves, instead of sending a campus-wide email.

“They chose to put this out to the entire campus community for a reason,” Kalu said Sunday.


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JackinSilverSpring | October 21, 2024 at 8:28 pm

If Brown were serious, it would threaten to expel anyone who was in any way threatening people or property.

College administrators have to make it clear that they, not the students, run the place. Students who destroy property or impede the educational process for others should be expelled. Brown has enough applicants to replace them.

    lawgrad in reply to OldProf2. | October 22, 2024 at 6:40 am

    Actually, American foreign policy is run out of Washington DC, not out of the Brown campus. Their demands are non-sense. Free expression protects any student’s right to advocate for a change in US foreign policy and in Brown’s investment policy.

    They asked, and Brown decided to not change its investment policy. I hope the students have the wisdom to accept the answer, and move on to something else.