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Kamala the Cartoon Candidate Week at Legal Insurrection

Kamala the Cartoon Candidate Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Kamala Harris just had one of the worst weeks possible for a presidential candidate.

The Bret Baier interview on FOX News was a disaster for her.

Not going to the Al Smith dinner was a huge mistake.

On top of all of this, she is now facing a plagiarism scandal.

Her campaign surrogates are not helping her.

She’s just so bad at this.

Even the liberal media is admitting she has a serious problem.

It’s all slipping away from her.

Halperin is right about this.

Meanwhile, Trump is thriving.

Elon Musk is doing great work for Trump.

Even Democrats are starting to try to align themselves with Trump.

Watch Professor Jacobson’s speech.

In other news from this week, this was huge.

More news from Israel.

You don’t say…

Is Biden still mad about being pushed out?

The media said this wasn’t happening.

Jennings is the only reason to watch CNN.

Not good.

Sign of the times.

Watch this, it’s great!


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Jmaquis | October 20, 2024 at 9:10 am

You’re SO right, she has given us comic gold and especially this close to the election!

Who was the pinhead who decided this moron could win a presidential election when she couldn’t even make waves in California when she tried to run in 2020?

To date, we’ve had a president who couldn’t speak coherently without a Teleprompter and was challenged to pronounce “corps”, (obama pronounced it as corpse!) and a president who came to office with dementia that progressed to idiocy, and now a candidate for president that can’t answer a question without lying or obsessively speaking about Trump. Trump actually DOES have a great record as president, but all the while she’s trying to blame HER disgraceful record on HIM!

Concise | October 20, 2024 at 9:13 am

Almost like Democrats just don’t care what stands as their candidate because, well, they’ve “put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” That would be Biden, just misspeaking of course, or maybe they say that’s out of context? Although I didn’t know there was a context where voter fraud was just peachy. But whatever.

People better vote, voter early vote absentee, vote day of. Or don’t and enjoy your new California, or Detroit. Democrats have decided to be generous and give you an option for ending the country as you’ve known it.

Peter Moss | October 20, 2024 at 11:38 am

“ Kamala Harris just had one of the worst weeks possible for a presidential candidate.”

Cheers to this being the best week she’ll have between now and then.

🥃 🥃 🥃

Which is entirely possible given how horrible she is.

destroycommunism | October 20, 2024 at 12:12 pm

whats it going to take to make america great again?

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