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Democrats Are Looking Desperate Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrats Are Looking Desperate Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

We are now a little more than three weeks away from the election. No one knows how it’s going to go but Democrats are not looking confident.

Kamala is just not connecting.

Everything from her campaign is so cringe.

Her running mate Tim Walz is making things worse.

Even the media knows.

It’s really starting to look like Biden is out for revenge.

Meanwhile, Trump is just doing his thing.

CBS News needs an intervention.

And MSNBC is still a punchline.

Israel updates.

It has been just over a year since the attacks.

KJP is useless.

Nearly complete media blackout on this.

Read Professor Jacobson’s column.

The left claimed this isn’t happening.

DeSantis handled this perfectly.

Excuse me?


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Peter Moss | October 13, 2024 at 8:49 am

Some thoughts upon perusing social media (with allowances for whatever biases I create through algorithms):

1) The Obama magic is gone. Huge blowback from black males who seem to have finally awakened to his b.s.

2) Walz was actually in the military? The way he was handling that shotgun tells me that he’s never shot with anything bigger than a cap gun.

3) There’s a rumor floating around on X about Walz, an ugly one. We’ll just have to watch and see if it’s just a smear or if it’s true.

4) Is Harris the most vapid presidential candidate ever. If, God forbid, she should win we’ll need to trade in the presidential limo for the shortest of busses.

5) I’m predicting a trifecta election. In the end, I think that Trump takes the White House in a landslide that will stun everyone with significant coattails that deliver solid R majorities in both houses.

5a) if the above comes to pass, look for at least 2 SCOTUS retirements, quite possibly more, in 2025.

5b) if 5 comes to pass, look for RFK to do more harm than good. He’s an asset today but he’ll revert to being an asshole if appointed anywhere.

Ghostrider | October 13, 2024 at 8:50 am

Bill Ackman outlines 33 reasons why he is voting for Trump. I hope other Democrats and independent or undecided voters follow his reasoning and vote Trump.

2smartforlibs | October 13, 2024 at 8:53 am

For decades the left has said “I’m a Democrat vote for me. What do you stand for? I’m a Democrat rat vote for me. What is your stand on any issue? I’m a Democrat vote for me

destroycommunism | October 13, 2024 at 8:58 am

barak todays bill cosby

Dolce Far Niente | October 13, 2024 at 11:31 am

Cosby had lasting comedic value with a lifetime body of work which remains valuable.

Bronco Bama was and is a lightweight all his life, useful only as a race-baiter and a figurehead for his progressive handlers. I’m pleased to see at least a handful of color people rejecting him.

A nation of 300 plus million people and kamala/walz is the best the democrat party can come up with? Two of the most unqualified buffoons imaginable. I wouldn’t hire these two to run my frozen yogurt shop, much less the US executive branch. The ony explanation I can come up with is our government has been molded, shaped and pre-determined for a long time now. A captured operation. That is until 2016 when something happened to break their grip on it. When Donald J. Trump says “The best is yet to come.” I believe him, but we have to do our part by going out to vote for him and America First candidates up and down the ticket.

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