Kamala Harris Debuts a Jamaican Accent on Colbert Show
“Have you no empathy, man?”

How many accents does VP Kamala Harris have now? I do not get these people.
The more these people try to act relatable, the more cringe they become. It’s so uncomfortable to watch.
Harris debuted a Jamaican accent on the Colbert Show last night.
JUST IN: Kamala Harris unveils a *new* Jamaican accent as she discusses the importance of empathy.
The comments came on ‘The Late Night’ show with Stephen Colbert.
“Have you no empathy man? No. For the, the suffering of other people. Have you no sense of purpose?” pic.twitter.com/FFfIGxABLX
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 9, 2024

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Please, please, please let her lose so badly that she’s humiliated into never being seen in public again.
As long as people vote by party, I don’t think her loss would be that big if indeed she loses it all. But, I support what you’re saying.
Regarding the use of the Jamaican accent, I have no idea what it is she’s doing. Certainly the Caribbean vote can’t be that big.
“Shout out to my Daddy. I made the big time, Daddy!”
I think there’s a reasonable chance Trump produces a convincing Electoral College victory. And, there’s some small chance he could even win the national popular vote. But, I think it’s more likely than not that he loses the popular vote…and that bodes poorly for the Republic. We are polarized in a way today that we haven’t seen since 1860. Goldwater & McGovern were both significantly (and obviously) smarter than Harris. They could both engage in discussions about very complicated issues without sounding like they’re drunk or insane. And yet, they both got CRUSHED within a decade of each other because the country, unencumbered by sectarian division like it is today, was able to decisively swing to either party depending on the quality of the candidates and the policies they were advancing in that election cycle. Not anymore, and that is simply terrifying and a harbinger of misery on the horizon.
Goldwater won 38% of the vote. McGovern won 37.5% of the vote. Harris will likely win no less than 49%. It’s crazy.
Great analysis! Yes, terrifying for the continuation of our founder’s noble experiment.
The alternative is frightening.
The vile and wretched crone-harlot-harridan is a transparent phony; a fake; a poser.
Narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, engaged in the same brazen and offensive pandering theatrics, displaying a transparently affected “black preacher” accent when he was addressing black audiences. Like Harris, Obama was a bi-racial child of privilege who had nothing in common with black Americans, but, perennially felt the need to attempt to “keep it real” and boost his “street cred” by engaging in the most obnoxiously and dishonestly crass displays of black linguistic affectations.
Crone Clinton attempted the same stunt, telling a black audience, in full minstrel voice, “I don’t feel noways tired; I done come too far…” A fake black accent to go along with the non-existent bottle of hot sauce that this miserable and mendacious shrew claimed to keep in her purse.
Is kamala chameleon trying to act in a theatrical sense, by changing her accents? Was she coached by acting coach?
So cringe worthy.
There is vid of kamala visiting france where she tried to speak english with fake french accent, and sounded like inspector clouseo, of blake edwards farcical pink panther movie series.
Put-on accents can be so gringe-making! One that comes to mind is the “suthun ak-sayunt” of Gildersleeve’s girlfriend on the old “The Great Gildersleeve” radio program.
Kamala is the dumbest candidate that dems have ever run in top spot.
She’s the dumbest major-party candidate in the history of the Republic. Johnson was famously illiterate until adulthood, taught to read by his schoolteacher wife. While he had a rocky presidency with a particularly contentious relationship with Congress and was thought to drink too much, his contemporaries never thought of him as ‘stupid.’ Everyone – both sides of the aisle – know that Harris is an imbecile.
Andrew or Lyndon?
Sorry, Andrew.
Then I remembered that Lady Bird was no schoolteacher,
She does not sound Jamaican to me.
She sounds like an idiot that cannot understand the words she parrots.
Maybe she’s channeling Yoda.
fire it up!
I am undecided on voting for her until I find out which adjectival form of empathy she employs- empathic or empathetic? Perhaps she goes both ways.
I’m old enough to remember when doing Jar-Jar Binks impersonations was considered RAYCISS.
“Call me now for your free reading!”
At least she has some Jamaican heritage, but it’s still fake as hell.
Her Jamaican heritage, per her father, is as the descendant of a slave owner – not something that I expect to see in one of her campaign ads (as a variation on her phony “middle class” theme).
So the election is an unlikeable cringe candidate vs Harris, another unlikeable cringe candidate?
This would be a good argument if foot-in-mouth Trump were not the GOP nominee.
I’m voting for the person who will keep the wolves from the door, not invite them in.
Jimmy Carter was a quiet unassuming character, rarely making cringe comments. His contribution to this nation was giving away the Panama Canal to China, high inflation, high unemployment, and a malaise that took two years to erase. Just to name a few.
Harris will continue to print money hand over fist, invite millions more military aged male invaders, and just be a puppet to some unknown cabal running the country.
Yet, here you are: “Meant tweets, mean tweets!”
has she been drinking again?