Video Shows Hezbollah Terrorists Injured by Pagers, Walkie-Talkies in Iran
They visited the largest mosque in the world.

An account on X showed a video of Hezbollah terrorists with injuries from the pagers and walkie-talkie attacks, according to The Times of Israel:
Iranian television broadcasts footage of Hezbollah members wounded in the detonating pager attack visiting the Imam Reza shrine in Iran’s Mashhad, the world’s largest mosque.
The wounds suffered by the operatives in the attack, widely attributed to Israel, are highlighted in the footage, with close-up shots of bandages covering what appear to be missing fingers and other injuries.
פעילים בשורות חיזבאללה שנפגעו במתקפת הביפרים ומכשירי הקשר שמיוחסת לישראל, יצאו לבקר בקבר האימאם עלי רזא במשהד שבאיראן. ככה זה נראה @OmerShahar123
— roi kais • روعي كايس • רועי קייס (@kaisos1987) October 8, 2024
Hezbollah terrorists who were injured by pagers and walkie-talkies visited the grave of Imam Ali Reza in Mashhad, Iran.
— Olia (@OliaOnX) October 8, 2024

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Isn’t that too bad. Just could not have happened to a nicer bunch of terrorist.
Alhamdulillah ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ 🤗
Is there any information about those who did not get the pager out of their pocket in time? Considering what the did to Israeli women, it seem that those who did not lose their reproductive capabilities might deserve a small packet of thermite in their drawers.. They should meat their maker knowing that they will nit be capable of enjoying any females.
Got an unverified (at the very least) email saying that the Israelies were planting explosives in the rectums of goats. Set off by Hezbollah men having relations with them. I feel sorry for the goats.
the best part is that Hizbollah PAID Israel for the pagers!!
Don’t know what they paid, but they apparently got a lot of bang for the buck…
And no refunds.
It calls to mind Oscar Wilde’s comment about the death of little Nell.
I guess finger foods are off the menu? It would be hard to explain to them that they may be better off not having an immediate dirt nap. They can live the life of a martyr. From what I read, the double security entry to access the pager meant both hands were needed.
“I guess finger foods are off the menu?”
Not the kind made with real fingers.
That was a passing fad…..a few milliseconds.
Brilliant, a first class bit of engineering.
That video was hysterical. And the music seemed so appropriate. I couldn’t understand the lyrics but I assume it was a lot of whining.
The music was boring.
This would have been far better.
I didn’t click it and suspected what you had linked. I was proven right.
Henry: for those who lost their “equipment”, this one might fit well, especially its title:
Hundreds and hundreds of Allah’s pair-a-dice virgins sigh relief.
And then we have Brandon today….”Biden rages calling Netanyahu a list of names accusing him of lying”. If so…. kettle meet pot. Mohammed (PBUH or else) said that war required deception. Deceiving a deceiver is a delicious option, especially when Biden telegraphs the wrong info to Iran.
Excellent choice, Mr. Bowman !
This video is only a sampling of the survivors, and a telltale that alerts immigration officials to the nature of the applicant.
Israel gets Two Thumbs Up And Away for that one.
You have to hand it to Hezbollah, though…they no longer have fingers with which to grab it.
Can Israel do something as delicious to Iran’s nuclear program?
Yes the one that’s suppose to be operational every two weeks the las 3.5 years
Actually, they did Iran’s nuke program first. Stuxnet.
I’d be happier to see the ones who had their nads blown off. That’s a real score for population control.
I think they should have coated the explosives with mercury for a nice toxic afterburn effect. Another bomb to go off in its targets.
There have been dozens of incredibly successful and weirdly sophisticated black-ops feats the last 100-years. Project Azorian and Operation Ivy Bells (famously ended by the traitorous Rondald Pelton) come quickly to mind. But, I’m not sure if the scope, breadth and tactical importance of any single military/intelligence operation has any parallel in modern times except for the Manhattan Project.
Without the shockingly clever, brilliantly well-executed attack on Hezbollah’s command-and-control HUMAN infrastructure, what they’re doing right now probably wouldn’t be possible, at least not without facing significant casualties from Hezbollah rockets. This will go down in military lore in the same way the Trojan Horse did….only this wasn’t a fable.
I have to say since those terrorists liked to keep their pagers in their front pockets near their junk I haven’t seen so many balls go flying since I watched my six year old son’s soccer practice.
In other news, Israel started a shell company that sells bidets.
It’s an Australian she’ll company by the name of G’day Bidets.
It’s next door to their national curry franchise, Handi Ghandi.
Like they think f-king care?
Maybe we should show babies in ovens, beheaded, women with their pelvis’s broken, bleeding and their face beaten off
These Muslims practice sadism as policy. Let them taste it.
They can always claim to be bomb-makers.
I guess that is true, they caused those bombs to be created.
Need a more powerful explosive.
Hey, karma is a b****.
Every body part blown off is a win for western civilization.
From the liver to the knee, Hezbollah shall be organ free!
Come on, folks, be kind. Lend them a hand!
Give them the finger…. they are missing theirs.
When the IDF is clearing terrorists from tunnels, I hope they have an opportunity to use flame throwers. Sometimes, old fashioned tech is the best choice.
And don’t forget Napalm, It should be made clear to Biden that withholding munitions would require other means be used, Napalm is very easy to tool up and manufacture..
I hope they flood them.
This was an actual propaganda video? When I first saw this I thought it had to be an Israeli satire or something. They actually thought this would motivate their people?! Yowza.
(And, no, I don’t know who “MEHR” tv is.)
Don’t try to save a buck and buy those refurbished cell phone batteries from china on Ebay.
They’ll need a “hands free” option now…
breaker -breaker 19 we got us some smokies up ahead and they look like they mean business
be careful and on the lookout for these thugs as now they will be used as walking detonators against the west
They won’t be able to pull the cord or squeeze the trigger.
Piano lessons are out.
“Hush, Achmed! Grandpa lost them in the Great Ceasefire.”
Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, is there anything positive that has come out of Iran?
Seriously — has life improved in Iran for anyone since 1979?
Has life improved for anyone where Iran dominates the culture — lebanon, syria yemen gaza?
I just had an idea!! Maybe release the Israelis, stop firing missiles, and let’s live in peace. That’d be great
“Hey Captain Hook … ” ~ Rodney Dangerfield (as Al Czervik), “Caddyshack”
Boo f***ing hoo
I didn’t watch the whole video. The soundtrack annoyed me, and it wouldn’t shut off.
Now I see how it was possible for this to work: Those pagers went off with no more explosive force than a big firecracker. That’s how the Israelis minimized the damage to non-targets.
Right now, X is being flooded with the usual terrorist accusations, this time from Hezbollah, that the Israelis are hitting UN sites. We all know how that works. It’s called “tactical necessity.”,7340,L-3282569,00.html
Basically, they strike from positions near apartment buildings and UN installations. Creating a tactical necessity to respond with deadly force is a violation of the Geneva Conventions (war crime).
Thank You, Israel! Making the world a better place. It is amazing how Israel, a small country, does such a great job tracking these terrorists down.